Chester County's Climate Action Plan
The Chester County Climate Action Plan was adopted by the County Commissioners on October 7, 2021. The plan was prepared by the Chester County Planning Commission in partnership with the County's Environmental and Energy Advisory Board. The Climate Action Plan provides a blueprint for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing energy efficiency at County government facilities and community-wide.
Taking Action
The plan identifies objectives and actions under four categories based on the primary source of emissions. The potential impact of the action, priority, timeframe, co-benefits, and implementers are identified in the action tables.

Buildings and Energy
62% of countywide emissions

Transportation and Land Use
27% of countywide emissions

Waste Management
3% of countywide emissions

Agriculture, Food, and Forestry
3% of countywide emissions
View the full Climate Action Plan.
View the Climate Action Plan Meeting Slideshow.
Chester County Greenhouse Gas Reduction Report
The Chester County Greenhouse Gas Reduction Task Force was formed in 2007 to develop an action plan for reducing greenhouse gases. The resulting report established a blueprint for how the County, local municipalities, business and other stakeholders can reduce their carbon footprint. View the 2010 Report
The Climate Action Plan (2021) recognizes the actions taken since the Green House Gas Reduction Report was completed and expands on strategies to address climate change.