Learning Opportunities with the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Education Institute

The Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Education Institute (PMPEI) offers a series of online winter and spring classes for $25 each. The classes cover topics such as building a strong planning commission, the limits to zoning, and managing the subdivision review process. Learn More
Additionally, in-person courses are regularly offered at the West Chester University Graduate Center. 2025 courses will be available in the spring and this page will be updated when courses are announced. Visit Chester County 2020's website to learn more.
Planners' Forums
Twice a year, CCPC holds training sessions for professional planners in Chester County. The Planners' Forum provides a great opportunity to learn about current planning topics and discuss with fellow planners.
Planning Guides from the State
State enabling legislation has been passed that governs planning in Pennsylvania. It guides how local planning commissions operate, as well as the plans and ordinances that are developed to implement the plan. Learn More
The PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) has a variety of educational materials for local officials. Their 10 volume Planning Series is particularly useful, and they also publish current copies of the state enabling legislation that governs planning, the Municipalities Planning Code. View Publications
Planning Conferences and Training from State Planning Association
The PA Chapter of the American Planning Association provides training for both volunteer and professional planners through its annual conference and other specialized events. Visit Website
The chapter has also created a video that provides planning commissioners with an overview of what planning commissions do and where they fit in their city, borough, township or county government. The basic tools of comprehensive planning, subdivision and land development regulation, and zoning are described. View Video
The southeast section of the Chapter also holds training events for planners. Visit Website
Local Training from Township Association
The Chester County Association of Township Officials (CCATO) holds two conferences a year plus special training events throughout the year. Many of these training opportunities focus on planning issues. Visit Website
Training from Conservancies
Chester County has many conservancies working diligently to preserve the character of the county, and many of these conservancies hold special presentations and training on planning issues. View List of Conservancies
Webinars from Borough's Association
The PA Association of Boroughs hosts webinars on a variety of topics related to planning. Visit Website