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Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities: Planning and Policy

Bicycle and pedestrian facilities are types of active transportation infrastructure that support and enhance non-motorized transportation and safety within our communities.

Sidewalks support various pedestrian uses and are one of the most common types of pedestrian facilities in Chester County.

Shared-use/multi-use trails accommodate many types of non-motorized travel modes.

How it Works

Bicycle and pedestrian facilities are vital components of a community's transportation infrastructure that reduce traffic congestion and pollution by providing a transportation alternative to vehicular travel and provide recreational opportunities which encourage healthy lifestyles and thus enhance the quality of life within a community.

"Pedestrian facilities" are specific types of infrastructure that facilitate safe pedestrian circulation, such as walking, jogging, running, pushing a stroller, or using a wheelchair. Examples of pedestrian facilities include walkways, sidewalks, paths, and trails.

"Bicycle facilities" are any facility or infrastructure that supports and enhances the safety of bicyclists. Bicycle users range in age and experience, from children to elderly adults and from very advanced to more casual riders. These facilities can be located both within and outside of roadway rights-of-way. Bicycle-specific facilities within the roadway right-of-way include either bicycle lanes or cycle tracks that each provide dedicated space for bicyclists, or they are 'share the road' routes that typically include improved shoulders, signage, and sometimes pavement markings. Bicycle facilities outside the roadway are commonly referred to as "trails" and are often part of "shared-use" or "multi-use" facilities.

"Shared-use" or "Multi-use" refer to facilities where pedestrians and cyclists share the same facility. These facilities may, but not always, accommodate other non-motorized modes of travel such as equestrians, cross country skiers, skateboarders and rollerbladers. These facilities are commonly referred to as "trails" when located outside the right-of-way or "sidepaths" when located within or near the right-of-way running parallel to the adjacent roadway.

Multi-use facilities are mostly found within community parks or regional trails such as Chester County's Chester Valley, Schuylkill River, and Struble Trails.

Bicycle and pedestrian facilities, when planned, designed, and implemented appropriately, can become well-utilized assets that enhance a community's transportation and recreational networks. These facilities provide a safe and alternative way for people of all ages and abilities to travel and reach destinations associated with healthy and vibrant communities. The importance of these facilities was reinforced during the COVID-19 pandemic, with trail use in Pennsylvania increasing as much as 200% according to the Pennsylvania Environmental Council.

In coordination with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities: Design eTool that describes the physical attributes and design-related factors to be considered when constructing such facilities, this 'Policy' tool will help communities define bicycle and pedestrian facilities in ordinances, identify where they may be located through the creation of a bicycle/pedestrian network plan, and suggest various planning tools that may be used for prioritization and implementation.

Most roadways are shared roads in Chester County.


Energy Conservation

Alternative modes of transportation decrease the use of fossil fuels.

Decreased Pollution

Non-motorized commuting can reduce air and particulate matter pollution.

Decreased Congestion

Congestion on local and collector roads is reduced when people use non-motorized means of transportation in lieu of the personal automobile.

Health Benefits

Biking and walking can improve physical and mental health and provide opportunities for social interaction.


Bicycle and pedestrian facilities can boost employment levels, increase property values, promote private investment, and provide new business opportunities.

Increased Connectivity

An increase in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure can help improve the multi-modal transportation network.

Understanding the current roadway system is an important first step in developing a bicycle and pedestrian network plan, such as this example of traffic volumes from the Central Chester County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.

Get Started

Municipalities can encourage development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities by adopting plans and policies that prioritize active transportation infrastructure. Both bicycle and pedestrian facility planning are commonly thought of as an effort to develop a segregated walking and cycling system to satisfy all the non-motorized travel needs; however it is broader than this and is an effort that should consider many alternatives to provide for safe and efficient non-motorized travel and encourage the development of interconnected transportation networks. Separate paths and lanes can augment the existing system in scenic corridors or places where access is limited, but existing corridors that often need only relatively inexpensive improvements must serve as the basic system to provide for the travel needs of pedestrians and cyclists. These types of improvements and facilities are discussed in this section.

Facility Types

The following is a brief outline of the facility types described in further detail within the Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities: Design eTool.

Bicycle Facilities: These facilities are limited to bicycle use only.

  • Shared Roadway (with limited, inconsistent, or no shoulder)
  • Shared Roadway with Paved Shoulder
  • Bike Lane
  • Cycle Track

Supplemental Striping and Signage Treatments: In addition to the shared roadway and bike lane facilities, supplemental signage and/or roadway treatments (striping, coloration, or texture) can be added to these facilities when warranted.

  • Share the Road
  • Sharrow (i.e., a pavement marking that increases driver awareness of shared roadway arrangements and is used to help position bicyclists within the road)
  • Signed Bicycle Route
  • Bicycle Boulevard

Pedestrian Facilities: These facilities are limited to pedestrian-use only.

  • Sidewalks
  • Internal Walkway
  • Social Path/Trail
  • Use-Restricted Path/Trail

Shared-Use Facilities: These facilities accommodate users of different modes on the same facility.

  • Shared Use/Multi-Use Trail
  • Mid-Block Crossing

Establish the Need for Facilities

Differences in the abilities and purposes of pedestrians and cyclists must be understood before planning for transportation improvements. Whether the individual is walking or cycling, his or her purpose can generally be divided into utilitarian or recreational categories. The utilitarian pedestrian or cyclist has a specific goal of reaching a destination in the shortest amount of time with as few interruptions as possible. The recreational pedestrian or cyclist either enjoys the view at a relaxed pace or with a faster-paced, aerobic workout with an occasional rest stop. New pedestrian and bicycle facilities, therefore, should be designed to accommodate the needs of the anticipated mix of users.

A sidewalk inventory, such as this example from the Phoenixville Region Multimodal Transportation Study, helps identify crucial missing links.

Develop a Community Bicycle and Pedestrian Network Plan

Establishing a vision of how walking and bicycling fits into the overall transportation system of a municipality or region is important in developing a safe, efficient, and enjoyable walking and cycling network. The network should be composed of pedestrian and bicycle routes including roads with little traffic such as residential and access streets. Trips connected to school, shopping, work, errands, outdoor recreation, and leisure should be possible by foot or by bicycle throughout the network.

The following steps describe the planning process that a municipality should follow to develop and establish a pedestrian and bicycle network as part of the transportation component of its comprehensive plan, or through a standalone active transportation plan:

  1. Inventory the System: The existing roadway system, in addition to any existing pedestrian or bicycle facilities, should be evaluated according to the condition, location, and level of use to determine if they warrant incorporation into the network. The inventory should identify improvements necessary to update the entire network and include factors such as peak-hour traffic counts, the number of traffic lanes, bus routes, outside lane width, average operating speed, pavement conditions, accident data, right-of-way widths, major barriers, parking, frequency of traffic signals, and geometric features such as the frequency of driveways, railroad crossings, and significant grade changes. The results of this inventory will help establish which existing or new roads will be sufficient to accommodate pedestrian and bicycle facilities and to identify hazardous roadway conditions such as poor surface conditions, dangerous intersections, railroad crossings, utility covers, unimproved intersecting streets, drainage grates, bridge-related hazards, construction sites, or unresponsive traffic signals.
  2. Identify Pedestrian and Bicycle Travel Corridors, Destinations, and User Types: The actual travel patterns of pedestrians and bicyclists are directly influenced by their perception of the surrounding environment. An uncomfortable or threatening condition such as a dangerous intersection will cause pedestrians to alter their route, choose a different travel mode, or not make the trip at all if they have a choice. Similarly, bicyclists will determine routes based on their level of comfort which may be impacted by the lack of dedicated facilities. Advanced bicyclists will likely use, and may prefer, riding on roadways while more casual bicyclists and children will likely not feel safe on roadways unless there are dedicated bicycle facilities provided.

    The transportation planner must establish where the pedestrians and bicyclists are traveling now and where they would travel if they were given the choice or opportunity. The planner should identify desired destinations and associated number and frequency of trips to establish existing pedestrian or bicycle traffic movement. A walking or bicycling audit is one technique to evaluate existing use and identify potential impediments to these corridors.

  3. Evaluate and Select Specific Routes: The next step is to select specific routes within the corridors (as established in Step 2) that can be designed or adapted to accommodate pedestrian and bicycle traffic and provide access to and from the locations (also established in Step 2). In addition, it should be determined which routes may or may not be appropriate for use as a bicycle route, a pedestrian route, or a combination. This step should involve the input of community residents to identify and select primary and alternate routes. The reality of adapting a particular route to accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians may vary widely depending upon the type of facility design treatment selected (Step 5.) For example, a less direct route may become the primary option if comparatively few, inexpensive, and easily implemented improvements are required. The selection of a primary or alternative route is a function of several factors, including, but not limited to:
    • Whether the specific route meets the needs and expectations of the anticipated users;
    • Whether the route alternative meets the criteria discussed in Step 1;
    • The possible cost and extent of necessary improvements; and,
    • The opportunity to implement improvements in conjunction with planned road improvements.
  4. Design Treatments: The bicycle is distinct from other modes of transportation by being the smallest and lightest "vehicle." To ensure the safety and comfort of bicyclists, the size of the vehicle must be taken into account, along with the amount of lateral and vertical clearance needed by a moving cyclist when designing such facilities. Vertical height needed to accommodate cyclists is about 8 feet. All design features which a cyclist will pass under should be set above this height, including signage, underpasses, etc. The width of bicycle tires (0.75-2.50 inches) and their minimum contact width (0.5 inch) should be considered as leaves, sand, grit, or other road debris can compromise traction and increase braking distance. The average cyclist, under most circumstances (flat terrain, windless) can maintain a cruising speed of more than 12 mph, while advanced cyclists can maintain speeds in excess of 18 mph. Average speed can affect size and frequency of necessary signage, grade and surface treatment of hazardous trail conditions, such as railroad crossings, sharp turns and storm grates, and the width and number of lanes necessary to safely accommodate projected traffic and allow passing of slower uses such as walkers and joggers by faster uses.

    Bicyclists are sometimes difficult to see in traffic, especially in the dark or in the rain. Planners should take this into consideration when planning and designing lighting, striping, and other safety and boundary issues. Also, an effort should be made by engineers and designers to provide better visibility for motorists and to take typical bicycle and rider dimensions into account.

    Pedestrians facilities must be designed to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

  5. Select Facility Options: The selection of appropriate facilities depends greatly on several factors including the cycling dimensions discussed in Step 4, the type of roadway project involved on the selected route (which would minimize the amount of construction needed to implement necessary improvements), and traffic operation factors. Application of the following vehicle operation factors must be carefully studied, including: traffic volume, average motor vehicle speeds, traffic mix, presence and type of vehicle parking, sight distance conditions, number and types of ingress and egress points, turning movements, frequency of signals, bus stops, road functional classification, available space, local maintenance and climatic conditions, and bicycle parking security.

Plans for bicycle and pedestrian networks can include detailed recommendations for priority locations, such as this example from Phoenixville.


Lack of Infrastructure

There is a lack of sidewalks or shoulders to facilitate bicycle and pedestrian traffic on a significant number of rural and suburban roads in Chester County. Confident bicyclists may still elect to utilize these roads, however the lack of facilities will deter most types of users.

Lack of Storage Facilities

There is a shortage of safe and secure bicycle storage facilities at many commercial and institutional facilities and shower/changing facilities for employees who wish to commute to work via bicycle.

Safety Conflicts

Potential conflicts or safety issues can arise among pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists, especially in congested areas or on roads with little or no separation between uses.

Inadequate Ordinance Support

The lack of pedestrian or bicycle facility standards or requirements within ordinances can limit the use and implementation of these facilities.


Securing funding for bicycle and pedestrian facilities and related projects can be difficult.

Education and Enforcement Issues

The lack of education, enforcement, and encouragement of bicycle/pedestrian facilities can hinder their use.

Property Ownership

Private property ownership can be a deterrent to developing pedestrian, bicycle, and/or shared-use facilities, particularly if legal street right-of-ways are narrow.

Site Constraints and Barriers

Various site constraints and barriers, such as steep slopes, streams, wetlands, bridges, railroad lines, and highways, can create limitations on the installation of new bicycle and pedestrian facilities.

Safe and Convenient Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities

Safe, convenient, and adequate facilities are essential to encourage walking or bicycle riding. The selection of a walking or cycling facility depends on several factors, including existing vehicular and pedestrian traffic characteristics, adjacent land use, and expected growth patterns. Because most roads in Chester County were not designed to accommodate non-motorized traffic, the majority of walking and cycling will take place on ordinary roads with no dedicated space for pedestrians.

In addition to the need for safe walking and cycling facilities, the cycling community requires safe and secure bike storage facilities and, in some cases, an area in which to clean up after a commute. The cost of cycling and safety equipment, especially high-end equipment often used by commuters, can easily equal or surpass the cost of a used automobile. Therefore, even though appropriate bicycle commuting routes may be available, a cyclist may choose not to commute by bicycle if they do not have a secure place to leave their bike while visiting a location such as work, school, shopping, etc.

There is an array of available bicycle storage facilities, ranging from expensive high-security bicycle lockers to light and medium security bicycle racks. Where cyclists are leaving their bicycles unattended for long periods of time (such as at a train station or shopping mall), enclosed lockers are preferred.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety (handling and following the rules of the road)

Facilities should be designed so it is clear to all users how to safely use and navigate the system. This is especially important for bicyclists who have a wide range of abilities. More advanced bicyclists tend to ride frequently, are in relatively good physical condition, and may have special training (this is typical of the potential bicycle commuter). Inexperienced bicyclists may not ride their bicycles often enough to feel comfortable in traffic, or perhaps do not have strong physical capabilities. The most vulnerable group are child cyclists who do not always understand traffic rules, are unable to gauge the speed of moving vehicles, and are often not as coordinated as adults.

Pedestrian facilities must also accommodate a wide range of users, including children, the disabled, and seniors. Seniors, for example, take longer to cross the street than an able-bodied younger person, and a person in a wheelchair needs a sidewalk that is at least five feet wide.

Municipal officials and pedestrian and bicycle facility designers need to understand the range of abilities among cyclists in order to better choose facility types and designs. It may be necessary for a municipality to supply potential facility users with educational opportunities to provide them with necessary traffic safety and bicycle handling knowledge and skills. Appropriate signage should also be provided to assist users with wayfinding and proper use of the facility.

The Elverson Active Transportation Plan included an extensive public outreach process.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility Use Encouragement

Encouragement of walking and cycling should guide the design of all pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Providing safe, accessible, and well-designed pedestrian and bicycle facilities that create logical connections to destinations will strongly encourage use of these facilities and this popularity is closely linked to the perception of a positive experience.

Research conducted for the Federal Highway Administration's National Bicycling and Walking Study recently revealed that the presence of on-road bicycle facilities is a major factor in a person’s choice to commute by walking or bicycling. The FHWA publication entitled Selecting Roadway Design Treatments to Accommodate Bicycles further describes the importance of designating bicycle facilities, particularly to encourage the 95 percent of cyclists who fall into the basic and child cyclist category: "Signs and pavement markings for bicycles will encourage increased use. In addition to the obvious traffic operations benefits, signs and pavement markings have the effect of advertising bicycle use."

Planning Tools

The following are means by which municipalities can make provisions for bicycle and pedestrian improvements within their ordinances. These planning tools provide the framework for establishing and implementing bicycle and pedestrian facilities recommended by a network plan. Even if these facility types are not delineated by a network plan, the inclusion of one or more of these tools within an ordinance will ensure that bicycle and pedestrian facilities are considered as the municipality grows.

Zoning and Subdivision/Land Development Ordinance

Municipalities can advance the development of active transportation networks by adopting language in zoning and subdivision and land development ordinances that specify when and where pedestrian, bicycle, and/or shared-use facilities should be provided as a requirement for approval. The following list is not exhaustive but provides some examples of the types of requirements that can be enacted:

  • Require sidewalks be constructed on both sides of any existing or proposed street,
  • Require new trail connections to existing trails,
  • Require bicycle facilities on certain types of streets,
  • Require installation of improvements that are identified in municipal planning documents,
  • Require pedestrian and/or bicycle facilities be constructed prior to occupancy or final approval,
  • Where a subdivision or land development is proposed that would impact the alignment of an existing trail, require a new trail be installed that meets existing access points and does not negatively impact user safety or accessibility,
  • Credit trail easements toward open space requirements.

These ordinances should be strengthened with design standards that identify layout requirements including minimum widths, clearances, and accessibility standards. They can also be supported by referencing adopted plans and/or maps that identify these improvements. It is critical that nomenclature and standards be consistent across plans and ordinances to be effective.

Zoning and subdivision and land development ordinances should be analyzed and amended to support the development of appropriate bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Pheonixville region example.

Ordinance Definitions

Municipalities should amend their zoning and subdivision and land development ordinances to include definitions for bicycle and pedestrian facilities and clarify these terms across municipal borders. It may be necessary to address inconsistencies with definitions for terms such as "walkway" and "accessway," which are included in some municipal ordinances but are not defined. It may also be necessary to delete conflicting definitions and replace wording as appropriate throughout all municipal ordinances. The following definitions may be used as a starting point for inclusion in zoning and/or subdivision and land development ordinances:

  • Bike Lane: Designated travel lanes within the cartway or along the road shoulder for exclusive use by bicyclists. Bike lanes typically involve a combination of supplemental indicators including but not limited to Share the Road Signs, Sharrows, other pavement markings, and delineators.
  • Bicycle Boulevard: A street corridor treatment that prioritizes and enhances bicycle travel with traffic calming measures, signs, pavement markings, and crossing improvements.
  • Bus Shelter: A pedestrian amenity located at a bus stop to provide convenience, comfort, and shelter from the elements in the form of a structure such as a canopy.
  • Crosswalk: A public right-of-way used for pedestrian travel across a roadway at an intersection or any portion of a block to provide safe pedestrian access to adjacent roads, lots, or public use areas.
  • Internal Walkway: A designated single use facility with an improved surface, primarily for use by pedestrians, typically located outside of the road right-of-way and/or not directly adjacent to a street. A walkway is generally used for pedestrian transportation between buildings and parking areas or sidewalks, within parking lots, between buildings on a parcel or within a development, or between adjacent uses, developments, or facilities.
  • Official Map and Ordinance: An independent map and ordinance enabled by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code that may identify public facilities including but not limited to parks, trails, areas of open space, recreation, utilities, and other similar facilities. The Official Map gives the municipality the first right of refusal to purchase land necessary to facilitate the identified public improvement(s) and may delay a development for up to one year.
  • Share the Road Sign: Supplemental signage added to a shared roadway to warn motorists of the increased likelihood of bicyclists.
  • Shared Roadway (limited, inconsistent, or no shoulder): A street which accommodates bicyclists and motorists in the same travel lane. Typically, the travel lanes are wider than what would be designed for automobile traffic only for the associated functional classification of the road and its context. Shared roadways may be a Signed Bike Route or include other indicators such as Share the Road Signs, Sharrows, or other pavement markings.
  • Shared Roadway (paved shoulder): A street with a paved shoulder or wide curb lane that accommodates bicyclists adjacent to the vehicle travel lanes. A four-to-six-foot shoulder is preferable, in conjunction with applicable municipal and PennDOT guidelines. Shared Roadways with paved shoulders may be a Signed Bike Route or include other indicators such as Share the Road Signs, Sharrows, or other pavement markings.
  • Shared-Use/Multi-Use Trails: A permanent facility that is physically separated from the roadway and typically accommodates bi-directional travel by both bicyclists and pedestrians. The trail can be located within a publicly owned right-of-way, an exclusive right-of-way, or an easement. Shared use trails typically have an improved surface (e.g., asphalt, concrete, compacted gravel, etc.) and have a recommended minimum width per AASHTO of 10 feet, although a minimum width of 8 feet may be used where space is constrained or in environmentally sensitive areas.
  • Sharrow: A pavement marking that increases driver awareness of shared roadway arrangements. Typically, the use of Sharrows has been approved by PennDOT; however, the approval of Sharrows is presently evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  • Sidewalk: A pedestrian-only route, typically constructed of concrete and parallel to a street that provides a means for pedestrians to travel within the public right-of-way while physically separated from vehicular traffic.
  • Sidepath: A subset of shared use trails that denote paths that run adjacent to a parallel roadway.
  • Use-Restricted/Single Use Trails: Trails that are primarily used for one form of travel or by one type of user such as cyclists or pedestrians. These trails are typically paved or have an improved surface.

Design Standards

Design standards should reflect all the facility types proposed within any bicycle/pedestrian element of a comprehensive plan or the recommendations of a separate Active Transportation, Bicycle/Pedestrian Mobility, Greenway, or Trails plan completed as an advisory document that the municipal leaders have chosen to adopt for municipal wide guidance toward implementation. Facility design standards may be found in Chester County's Multi-modal Circulation Handbook.

Official Map and Ordinance

All municipalities should adopt or amend their official map and ordinance to identify a bicycle/pedestrian network and prioritize the areas that are most in need of connection, as may be identified in a bicycle and/or pedestrian network plan. The Official Map is typically used as a negotiating tool to inform developers of intended future facilities that the municipality intends to implement when development occurs.

Development Process

It is common for municipal officials to place conditions on the approval of subdivision and land development applications. The Official Map, ordinance requirements, and other planning documents such as a Comprehensive Plan and/or other adopted plans such as a Bicycle/Pedestrian Mobility Plan or Greenways Plan will identify the need for these facilities so that developers are aware that the municipality will require or would like to implement these facilities when land development applications are made. It is critical municipalities have appropriate and concrete ordinance language in place and discretionary language be removed so the developer must clearly demonstrate why the proposed facility will NOT be feasible before being granted a variance or waiver.

Bicycle Parking

There are several ways to incorporate bicycle parking into ordinances. Ordinances can require a certain amount of parking spaces be dedicated to bicycle parking though the installation of bike racks. Ordinance standards can also require or encourage the installation of bike racks near the entrance to a business or use on a public sidewalk where appropriate accommodations can be made. This can be accomplished through off-street parking requirements, streetscape requirements, or incentives.

Complete Streets

Municipalities can also consider adopting a Complete Streets Policy that takes into consideration the full range of potential users, including pedestrians and bicyclists, as streets are developed or improved. Complete Streets Policies are context-sensitive as a street in urban or suburban environments function very differently than a street in a more rural setting.

Chester County has adopted its own Complete Streets Policy and municipalities are encouraged to adopt their own policy and to incorporate these elements into ordinances and other municipal plans. See the Complete Streets Policy eTool for more information.


Central Chester County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

This 2013 CCPC plan illustrates how neighboring municipalities can work together to create interconnected pedestrian and bicycle networks.

West Chester Pike at Paoli Pike Multimodal Traffic and Circulation Study

This 2018 DVRPC study includes detailed improvement recommendations for a relatively small geographic area and uses photo simulations to demonstrate how improvements would work.

Phoenixville Region Multimodal Transportation Study

The Phoenixville Region Multimodal Study was completed in 2018 and used an involved process to identify key improvements and priorities.

Upper Uwchlan Township Active Transportation Plan

Suburban communities can create extensive bicycle and pedestrian networks, which Upper Uwchlan Township has been doing over the past 30 years.


  • Chester County Trailfinder
  • Regional Multi-Use Trails (Chester Valley Trail, Schuylkill River Trail, Struble Trail)
  • Trails within parks
  • Trails within subdivisions

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