Urban Trees and Shade Tree Commissions

Urban Trees

Urban Trees

Photo credit: Will Williams

Trees in urban areas are especially valuable because they provide shade and cooling in hot summer months, enhance public health, and create attractive streetscapes for residents, businesses, and visitors. However, trees in these highly populated areas also face a myriad of challenges to survive including competition for space, proper light and nutrition, damage from cars and snowplows, vandalism, heavy pruning, and residents who may not appreciate or understand their value. The slide presentation by the West Chester Sustainability Director, entitled Protecting and Growing West Chester's Urban Forest, provides an excellent summary and visual record of the challenges faced by the urban forest and ways to enhance their chances of surviving.

Urban Heat Islands

For more information about Urban Heat Islands and the benefits of trees in addressing their effects, see EPA's Heat Island Effect webpage and click on the "Trees and Vegetation" link. The Planning Commission's eTools on Urban Heat Island Mitigation, Street Trees, and Urban Green Spaces also provide helpful guidance and resources for trees and landscaping in urban areas. Finally, DVRPC has a webpage focused on the Municipal Management of Extreme Heat that urban areas may find helpful.

Tree Canopy Goals

While a specific tree canopy goal depends on the characteristics of each community, a goal of 40% is a good starting place for many urban areas in our region. The placement of the trees is equally important with priority areas along streets where they provide essential neighborhood shade and in highly paved areas where they can reduce the urban heat island effect.

Tree Equity Score

Tree Equity Score is a nationwide website that highlights inequitable access to trees. The score is calculated for urban areas at the neighborhood (Census block group) level. Scores range from 0-100 with a lower score indicating a greater priority for tree planting. The site recommends a "tree canopy goal" for each block group analyzed based on several factors. In Chester County urban block groups, the goals generally range from 40% to 50%. View the Tree Equity Score map.

Growing the Urban Tree Canopy Brochure

CCPC prepared a "Growing the Urban Tree Canopy" brochure with information and resources specifically for Chester County municipalities. Download the brochure, or for paper copies, please contact sustainability@chesco.org.

CCPC also prepared Urban Tree Canopy Maps for each Borough in the County and the City of Coatesville. For a copy of the Urban Tree Canopy Map, please contact sustainability@chesco.org


Refer to the Tree Protection and Replacement Ordinance Standards page for ordinances that effectively protect public and larger trees on private property in urban area.

Shade Tree Commissions

Shade tree commissions can play an important role in protecting and growing trees in a variety of municipal settings. Their assistance can be particularly valuable in urban areas where people and trees live in close proximity and, as noted under Urban Trees, conflicts are more likely to occur. Shade Tree Commissions can:

Cherry Trees

Shade tree commissions have a long established history in Pennsylvania having been authorized for first class townships, boroughs, and cities under Pennsylvania Shade Tree Commission Act of 1907. Approximately 25 years later, Article XXIX of PA Act 49 of 1933 allowed townships of the second class to also establish shade tree commissions.

Several Chester County municipalities have volunteer shade tree commissions or similar groups to oversee the shade trees primarily within the public realm. For example, the Malvern Shade Tree Commission oversees selection, planting, maintenance, and removal/replacement of all street trees. The creation and duties of the commission are established under their Shade Tree Commission Ordinance.

The Phoenixville Tree Advisory Commission promotes public support and interest in street tree and public tree programs in the borough. The Advisory Commission's website includes a regulated tree application, tree manual, and list of approved street trees and a link to their Urban Forest hub site.

The West Chester Tree Commission has a website with information for contractors, common tree care issues, an approved tree list for streets and parks, and a planting/pruning and removal application. A link is also provided to their highly informative Tree Hub Site.

Radnor Township in Delaware County also has an active Shade Tree Commission. The Radnor Township Tree Commission webpage provides an overview of their responsibilities along with a wide range of useful community tree information. Their Shade Tree Ordinance establishes the shade tree commission and includes provisions for the protection and maintenance of trees in the township. The ordinance allows for a fee-in-lieu to be made to the Shade Tree Fund if full replacement requirements are not practical. Permits and forms used by the Commission are located at the bottom of the page.

For more information on implementing tree planning and the responsibilities of a tree advisory commission, visit Penn State Extension's websites:

The Planning Commission's Street Trees eTool provides advice and resources for municipalities who want to see their street trees thrive and recognizes shade tree commissions as a part of a successful street tree program.