New Guide Supports "Missing Middle Housing" in Chester County

Posted January 25, 2023

Missing Middle

Like many places across the globe, Chester County faces a lack of "Missing Middle Housing" — or medium scale housing — to accommodate its residents. Because of this, the Chester County Planning Commission released a new guide to help municipalities support the county's A+ Homes Initiative by planning for attractive homes through Missing Middle Housing.

The guide features information about Missing Middle Housing such as where the term originated and its current use; challenges like changing demographics, zoning restrictions, and rising costs; opportunities and examples of specific housing types; recent county data; and tips for getting started.

The county's Comprehensive Plan, Landscapes3, renews a commitment to balancing growth and preservation while embracing the unique characteristics that make Chester County a cherished place to live, work, and play.

View the guide to learn more about Planning for Attractive Homes — Missing Middle Housing.