What are A+ Homes
The A+ Homes initiative is an implementation effort under Landscapes3. A joint effort of the Planning Commission, Department of Community Development, and Housing Choices Committee, A+ Homes focuses on creating homes that are attractive, affordably-priced, adaptable, aging-friendly, and accessible. Every person needs and deserves a place to come home to — a place that provides them shelter and comfort, a place where they feel part of the community.
Able to meet the diverse needs of seniors.
View the guide, Planning for Aging-Friendly Homes
View the video, Senior Living Homes in High Demand
View the A+ Homes Aging-friendly Brochure
Available at attainable sale and rental prices; no more than 30 percent of household income should be spent on housing related costs.
View the guide, Planning for Affordably-Priced Homes
View the video, Talking Housing with Phoenixillve's Mayor Urscheler
View the video, Affordably-priced Homes for Families in High Demand
View the A+ Homes Affordably-priced Brochure
Designed, constructed, and maintained to be compatible with local community character.
Planning for Attractive Homes — Missing Middle Housing
Able to evolve with market forces, changing demographics, buyer and renter preferences, and environmental conditions.
Connected to jobs, services, transit, amenities, and important community facilities.
Throughout the development of Landscapes3 it was clear that our residents' needs for the place they call home are changing. Adult children of county residents are finding it hard to afford to live in the county, and businesses are having trouble attracting and retaining workers due to the price of housing. Our senior population and the number of single person households are increasing, creating a specific need for adaptable and accessible homes, along with the desire for smaller homes that are affordable for people living alone or on a fixed income. Increasingly, residents are prioritizing access to jobs and amenities, and choosing location over square footage or acreage.
Chester County's existing housing stock is not currently meeting these changing needs and the growing population. There are not enough units to meet the general demand, particularly for projections of population growth, and the existing homes may not match up to resident needs due to size, price, design, location, or accessibility issues.
A+ Homes calls for supportive policy, innovative design and regulation, and partnerships between community stakeholders.