Meet Chester County EEAB's New Board Member
Posted May 18, 2022

Chester County's Environmental and Energy Advisory Board (EEAB) helps to enhance the county's commitment to preservation and protection of the environment by focusing on the balance, interplay, and impact of energy related initiatives and issues. The Board consists of 21 members with a mix of residents, representatives of businesses, energy initiatives, municipalities, land conservancies and county departments. This month, we're excited to highlight the EEAB's new member, Karena DiLeo!
Karena spends her days monitoring conservation easements and working with landowners in her position as Stewardship Coordinator for French & Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust — making her a great fit for the EEAB. Prior to joining the Trust last year, she worked as an endangered species biologist for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection with a focus on amphibians and reptiles.
Some of Karena's favorite activities include gardening and hiking with her two little boys. "On a few of the easements I monitor for French & Pickering, it's easy to get lost in the woods and almost forget how close to civilization you actually are — I love that feeling," she said.
During her time on the EEAB, Karena hopes to assist residents in managing their lands for the benefit of native species, and to create healthy, functioning ecosystems. "Our forests are so degraded by introduced species and over-browsed by deer that they are no longer functioning habitats for many of our native species," she added. "I think that the more landowners we can engage to even make small changes on their property — like a corner of lawn into a meadow — can have a significant impact on our overall environment. All of these tiny patches of habitat help species move through our landscape, and this increasing connectivity is critical if species are going to find the resources they need to survive in our highly fragmented world."
Learn more about the EEAB, including its members and its initiatives.