Following Up: 2023 Housing Forum

Posted December 13, 2023

Housing Forum

The Chester County Planning Commission's 2023 Housing Forum took place on November 30 at the Government Services Center and via Zoom, bringing together those involved and interested in talking about best practices for affordable housing in Chester County.

Chester County Commissioners' Marian Moskowitz and Michelle Kichline provided the Forum's opening remarks, along with CCPC's Executive Director, Brian O'Leary. Department of Community Development Director, Dolores Colligan, kicked off with an overview of the county's efforts to support affordable housing, such as the House America Initiative and the Partnership to End Homelessness.

CCPC's Housing and Economic Development Planner, Libby Horwitz, provided an overview of the county's A+ Homes Initiative — including a series of current and future planning guides, a starter home pilot initiative, and additional resources. She also introduced the Forum's panelists, which featured a variety of housing experts showcasing different angles within the affordable housing process.

Laura Manion, President and CEO of the Chester County Chamber of Business & Industry provided an overview of housing in Chester County and the many facets of housing in the business community; Burt Rothenberger of the Westminster Presbyterian Church discussed his experience developing advocacy for attainable and sustainable housing through the county's Faith-based organizations; Ann Leavitt-Gruberger and Kayleigh Silver of Montgomery County's Planning Commission and Housing and Community Development Department talked about the public sector and messaging surrounding affordable housing (as well as how to change that); and Luke Zubrod of Square Roots Collective talked about his perspective from an organization's standpoint working with local government to support affordable housing.

Overall, it was a great event with an engaging discussion surrounding affordable housing in Chester County, and we thank everyone who participated and attended!

Learn more about affordable housing in Chester County.