Conservation Subdivision Design Guide
This guide is intended to help municipalities develop effective ordinances that permit conservation subdivisions. It identifies the basic framework of a conservation subdivision ordinance (Elements of a Conservation Subdivision Ordinance) and the Design Elements that define the character of a Conservation Subdivision. In order to get started, the guide includes planning and regulatory steps needed to implement this planning and design tool.

What is a Conservation Subdivision?
A conservation subdivision preserves a significant portion of a tract as open space and directs development away from natural, scenic, historic, and agricultural areas.

Sample Ordinance Language
Chester County Planning Commission's model ordinance for conservation subdivisions with commentary.

Design Elements
Good design is essential for the creation of successful conservation subdivision developments. A number of Design Elements contribute to ensuring development proposals meet the spirit of the ordinance and result in a high-quality and liveable community.

Getting Started
Suggestions for planning and regulatory steps to develop effective conservation subdivision provisions.