
The County's population of 65 and older seniors is anticipated to nearly double between 2015 and 2045, from 74,587 to 145,040 residents. The increased senior population will have significant impacts on housing in the County, affecting both private and senior living arrangement housing.

As Chester County's residents age, their incomes may decrease or become fixed, and their mobility is likely to decrease, prompting the need for changes in their housing situations. Senior residents may desire less square footage or lower maintenance homes as their mobility decreases and their grown children move out. Every senior will have individual and evolving housing needs, requiring a range of housing types. Housing stock in the county will need to adapt to these needs including increasing smaller, affordably-priced, and senior living arrangement units.

This guide provides data on existing senior housing, potential impacts of the aging population on housing, and approaches and strategies to assist communities in planning for the future housing needs of their seniors.

Where Do Seniors Currently Live?

What type of Housing Will Seniors Live In?

Seniors' Housing Impact