Livable Landscapes Map & Descriptions

The concept of "livable landscapes" provides a framework for protection and growth strategies within Chester County. The map provides a guide for accommodating expected future growth while maintaining the quality of life in the county. Livable landscapes recognize the diversity that makes Chester County a special place. Each landscape has a different character and is appropriate for different intensities and varieties of development. Livable Landscapes is not a land use map. Any land use can be found in each of the landscapes, but the mix and intensity of land uses will be different to preserve the character of each landscape.

The Livable Landscapes map is divided into two core areas — growth areas and rural resource areas, as prescribed by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.

Growth Areas consist of the urban landscape, suburban landscape, and suburban centers, and can best accommodate future growth. The county will encourage future development to be concentrated in these landscapes.

Rural Resource Areas consist of the rural landscape, the agricultural landscape, and rural centers, and are least appropriate for intense growth. The county will not encourage development in these landscapes.

The map was updated in 2018 as part of Landscapes3, Chester County's comprehensive plan update. In addition to updates to the boundaries of the county's growth areas and rural resource areas, the Landscapes Map recognizes significant historic and natural resource overlays.

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