New Resource for Reinvestment Opportunities

Posted January 23, 2024


The Chester County Planning Commission released a new online resource for municipalities looking to discover potential redevelopment and reinvestment opportunities within their communities. Libby Horwitz, Senior Housing and Economic Planner, highlighted the arcGIS map webpage at CCPC's January Board meeting, noting that much of the work was completed by GIS Planner, Colin Murtoff.

On the webpages you'll find resources to encourage reinvestment such as planning and zoning approaches, site promotion strategies, and land preparation steps. The webpages also include a map showing areas with reinvestment potential, along with explanations of the various reinvestment indicators used to identify these areas, and why they were chosen.

The map provides data-based information to help municipalities find areas and sites where infill development might be most appropriate. Only parcels with existing development in non-residential zoning districts were looked at, and conservation areas were removed from analysis.

CCPC can provide additional analyses upon request if a municipality is interested in diving deeper into the specifics of their indicators.

Learn more and view the map.