2023 VPP Round 1 Recipients

Posted May 12, 2023

VPP West Goshen

Congratulations to the Round 1 recipients of Chester County's 2023 Vision Partnership Program! The awards include cash grants to the municipalities of East Whiteland Township and West Goshen Township in support of a well-planned future that implements the goals and vision of Landscapes3.

East Whiteland Township's VPP funding will go towards a full Zoning Ordinance Update for the township, based on their existing zoning ordinance and zoning map. The new ordinance will incorporate the township's adopted planning policies, including their Comprehensive Plan, Route 30 Corridor Master Plan (2018), and their Parks, Recreation, & Open Space Plan.

This update aims to ensure consistency with the township's vision for sustainable growth and development. With the VPP funding of $50,000 and their municipal match of $50,000, their total estimated project cost is $100,000.

West Goshen Township's VPP funding will help enhance their park system through the development of a Park, Recreation, and Open Space Plan. The purpose of the plan is to help guide future planning efforts and investment in the township's park, recreation, and open space facilities.

With the VPP funding of $45,000 and their municipal match of $45,000, the total estimated project cost is $90,000.

These awards were approved at the Chester County Planning Commission's May 2023 Board Meeting.

The VPP is available to Chester County municipalities and multi-municipal groups seeking to improve their planning programs while achieving consistency with and implementation of the goals, objectives, recommendations, and map of Landscapes3.

Eligible applicants include a single municipality or a multi-municipal group, which may consist of two (2) or more contiguous municipalities or two (2) or more municipalities when located in the same school district. The application shall be submitted by a lead municipality in the case of a multi-municipal group application.

Learn more about the program.