Keep Chester County Beautiful Launches Spring Giveaway

Posted March 27, 2023

KCCB Vests

UPDATE 4/21/23: Congratulations to the Schuylkill Township Environmental Advisory Council on winning the 2023 Spring Giveaway!

As part of the 25th anniversary of the "Great American Cleanup", Chester County's Keep Chester County Beautiful program is featuring a Spring Giveaway to help a selected volunteer group get started with a cleanup event that honors the nationwide anniversary.

The Great American Cleanup is held each spring, with community groups holding events such as litter cleanups, tree plantings, restoring nature trails, and other impactful projects.

Chester County's Spring Giveaway includes 15 'Keep Chester County Beautiful' safety vests and 20 litter grabber tools, presented to a volunteer group that meets the qualifying guidelines. To qualify, volunteer groups must:

The winning volunteer group will be announced on Monday, April 3.

"One of Chester County's goals is to build capacity within the community to keep our roads and natural areas clean and beautiful. We're giving away some supplies that can help a new group get started, or that can help an established group refresh their supplies," said Carrie Conwell, Keep Chester County Beautiful coordinator at the Chester County Planning Commission.

View the qualifications for the contest, including guidelines and information about entering — as well as a partner toolkit for sharing with others.