Implementing Landscapes3: 2022 Annual Report Released
Posted February 24, 2023

The Chester County Planning Commission saw another great year of successful Landscapes3 implementation in 2022, including a new Sustainability Division and various other initiatives. The newly released 2022 Annual Report highlights some of these initiatives!
In support of the Preserve goal, Chester County passed a major milestone this past year by preserving over 30% of the county's land as protected open space. This was celebrated at the county's Open Space Summit at Springton Manor Farm in May, where attendees had the opportunity to tour the farm as well.
The county created a new Sustainability Division in support of the Protect Goal in 2022, with CCPC's Rachael Griffith taking the lead as Sustainability Director. The goal of the new division is to focus on the implementation of the county's Climate Action Plan and work closely with the county's Environmental and Energy Advisory Board.
When it comes to Appreciate, the county's annual Town Tours & Village Walks wrapped up another great season highlighting the "Founding Mothers and Fathers" of the region's past! Additionally, the newly formed America250PA Chester County Commission kicked planning into high gear with the anticipation of the semi quincentennial celebration coming up in 2026.
In terms of the Live goal, Chester County's A+ Homes Forum talked about the costs and challenges of A+ Homes with perspectives from both developers and municipal officials. The annual housing report further expressed the importance of creating A+ homes by showing a 12% increase in home prices between 2020 and 2021.
The Ag Council produced the annual Farm Guide in support of the Prosper goal, and a new Ag Economic Strategic Plan was adopted in the spring of 2022 as well.
Finally, the county saw the formation of the Schuylkill River Passenger Rail Authority in support of the Connect goal. While this was a major initiative that will help to restore passenger rail service between Reading and Philadelphia, many smaller projects will help to fill in the gaps along the way.
Chester County saw many great initiatives in support of Landscapes3 in 2022, and we look forward to all that's in store in 2023!