Meet our New Transportation Planner
Posted November 21, 2022

From funding and programming to inventories and policies, the Chester County Planning Commission's Multimodal Transportation Planning division plays a vital role in the future of transportation in Chester County. Our Transportation Planners are at the forefront of this planning, and we are excited to welcome our newest member to the team, Patty Quinn!
With a background in transportation planning, it was no doubt that Patty was a great fit for CCPC's Transportation Planner position. In her previous role, she worked under the transportation arm of an organization with a focus on transportation planning related projects. "That experience made me realize that transportation planning was the right path for me," she said.
When asked what she's looking forward to getting involved with at CCPC, Patty noted that the municipal outreach aspect of the Transportation Improvement Inventory will give her the opportunity to meet officials and learn more about the infrastructure needs and goals of Chester County's communities. "I think the project is a great way to introduce myself to our communities and to acclimate myself to my new position here at CCPC," she said.
Some of Patty's hobbies include traveling whenever she can and experiencing new foods and cultures. She also enjoys outdoor activities like swimming, kayaking, biking, hiking, and gardening — as well as reading where she gravitates towards the historical fiction and science fiction genres. Her favorite place in Chester County is Longwood Gardens for their events, exhibits, and performances.
In her spare time, Patty can usually be found with her family and friends, but when she's not with them she's staying busy with some sort of household project. "I'm pretty good with my hands and I enjoy learning to accomplish new things, so I find these kinds of projects really satisfying," she added.
While she spent about 10 years living in Phoenixville, Patty currently lives in the Upper Perkiomen Valley area of Northern Montgomery County, where she's originally from.
Her favorite quote is "Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose," by Zora Neale Hurston, in which she notes that trying to stay curious and open to new and sometimes very different ideas makes for a better society. "It takes some work to stay open, but I think being curious about the world around you will make life more fun."
We look forward to working with Patty!