Following Up: 2022 Urban Centers Forum
Posted November 18, 2022

Chester County Planning Commission's 2022 Urban Centers Forum, "Density, Diversity, and Discussion," featured a lively discussion amongst representatives from Chester County's urban centers on Tuesday, October 25. This year's forum welcomed more than 50 participants between those in-person at the Chester County Safety Training Campus in South Coatesville, and those online via Zoom.
CCPC's Urban Planner, Kevin Myers, kicked off the forum with a warm welcome, followed by opening remarks from Chester County Commissioner Marian Moskowitz, CCPC's Executive Director, Brian O'Leary, and Chester County's Department of Community Development Director, Dolores Colligan.
"Within Landscapes3, our 15 boroughs and the City of Coatesville are designated as urban centers and natural places for new development and growth. They are the areas with the highest density, and they include historic downtowns and neighborhoods that serve as civic and economic centers. They help us balance growth with preservation, and they have great, great character," noted Commissioner Moskowitz. "The county is so proud to host this forum to provide opportunities to address current topics and share ways in which our communities are tackling these issues."
While past urban centers forums have featured presentations on specific topics, this year's forum focused on hearing directly from each of the county's urban centers with a focus on density and development; diversity of people, places, and things; and direction of plans, processes, funding, review, and projects. Each urban center highlighted some of their recent successes and challenges, followed by questions and discussion among fellow attendees.
The Urban Centers Forum is an annual event held each fall by the Chester County Planning Commission. Learn more about the forum.