Updates from East Whiteland Township
Posted September 20, 2022

East Whiteland Township's Director of Planning and Development, Zach Barner, along with Assistant Township Manager, Steve Brown, recently provided an update to the CCPC Board on the township's planning initiatives since their last presentation in July of 2021.
In addition to an overview of East Whiteland Township, Barner and Brown discussed their newly adopted Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan (PROS), the Bacton Hill Park Master Plan, the Sidley Road/Mill Lane trail connection to the Chester Valley Trail, and a few other trail and sidewalk projects.
The PROS plan, which was funded by a grant through the county's Vision Partnership Program (VPP), served as an amendment to the Township's 2016 Comprehensive Plan with a focus on: open space; parks and recreation facilities; trail systems; land use programs; services and staffing organization; financial organization and operations; facilities assessment and recommendations; and implementation strategies. Implementation is now in full swing and began before the plan's formal adoption in the spring of this year.

The Bacton Hill Master Plan for a 16+ acre park along Swedesford Road, the Chester Valley Trail, and Bacton Hill Road, is currently underway and anticipated to be completed this fall.
And lastly, the Sidley Road/Mill Lane to Chester Valley Trail connection is also underway and serves as a high priority for the township.
Additionally, Barner and Brown talked about the Moores Road sidewalk extension and the Patriots Path sidewalk extension — along with proper implementation strategies and what has been working for them.
We thank East Whiteland Township for this update, and we look forward to hearing from them again! Learn more about the township's projects and current happenings.