Upcoming Master Planner Program — Course in Community Planning
Posted September 19, 2022

Chester County 2020 has resurrected the Master Planner Program and will feature an upcoming Course in Community Planning at the West Chester University Graduate Center (room 306) from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on three consecutive Wednesdays: October 12, 19 and 26.
This course provides an overview of the many facets of community planning and is particularly helpful for new public officials who are not familiar with the Municipalities Planning Code. The course teaches planning commissioners, local officials, and others how to carry out their responsibilities under the PA Municipalities Planning Code.
Participants will learn where planning fits in the framework of local government, and how planning commissioners relate to the governing body, zoning hearing board, and zoning officer. Topics include basic knowledge of the Municipalities Planning Code, comprehensive planning, and plan implementation, including zoning, subdivision and land development regulations, the Official Map, and effective planning commission procedures.
Additionally, stay on the lookout for two courses to be scheduled in Spring of 2023, including the Course in Zoning and the Course in Subdivision & Land Development Review.
For any questions, please contact George Asimos.