Updates from Valley Township
Posted May 23, 2022

Valley Township's Manager, Scott Piersol, provided a presentation on planning updates and other relevant activities in Valley Township during the Chester County Planning Commission's May 2022 Board of Directors meeting.
Piersol highlighted Valley Township's Comprehensive Plan and its 4 key planning priorities — neighborhood reinvestment, parks and recreation, economic development, and West Lincoln Highway — as well as their key issues, goals, and future actions.
When it comes to neighborhood reinvestment, Piersol noted that some of the township's key issues include an increased attention to their overall appearance, older neighborhood infrastructure (or lack thereof), and the need for sidewalks and open space. In response to these challenges, the township hopes to maintain partnerships with current residents, promote the rehabilitation of their existing housing stock, invest in neighborhood recreation opportunities, allow commercial uses along Valley Road, and address stormwater and utility needs through their Comprehensive Plan.
In terms of economic development, Piersol explained that the township is a "bedroom community" where 97% of residents commute beyond the immediate area for employment. Additionally, their lack of commercial establishments makes it difficult to serve the daily needs of the residents they do have, and the township has a lower-than-average household income — but higher than the average poverty rates. Despite this, they plan and advocate for infrastructure improvements, partner with the G.O. Carlson Airport to advance their Master Plan and allow greater flexibility for mixed use development in appropriate locations, among other things.
By partnering with the Coatesville Area School District, the township hopes to create active and passive recreation opportunities adjacent to the Valley Township Municipal Complex. Other goals include developing a township-wide trail master plan, exploring possibilities for regional trails & connections, providing enhancements to existing neighborhood parks, and working with local partners to implement recommendations from their Open Space & Recreation Plan.
West Lincoln Highway (or Business Route 30) is a defining corridor of Valley Township, as it provides the connection between Coatesville City, Sadsbury Township, and other westward locations. While this route has played a vital role in the township’s past, it will also play a key role in their future in terms of economic development, transportation, community character, and identity.
To meet these demands, the township plans to promote higher intensity mixed use development surrounding the Valley Suburban Center (Airport Road and West Lincoln Highway) as well as along the entire corridor. Additionally, they hope to increase traffic flow and reduce congestion, improve sidewalks, crosswalks & bus stops, and promote an attractive and cohesive landscape.
Piersol also discussed the West Lincoln Highway Corridor Master Plan, which was partially funded through the county's Vision Partnership Program. While the plan is currently underway, the township hopes to adopt the final plan by the end of the year.