Tredyffrin Township Comprehensive Plan Update

Posted January 25, 2022
This past October, Tredyffrin Township completed an update of their 2009 Comprehensive Plan with the Chester County Planning Commission serving as the consultant. Funding was provided by Tredyffrin Township and through the Chester County Vision Partnership Program (VPP).
Some priorities in the plan's goals include advancing natural and environmental resources protection preservation and stewardship, improving recreation and park options, establishing a balance between change and the preservation of significant resources, promoting a safe, effective, multimodal and diversified transportation and circulation system, providing enhanced services and/or facilities, encouraging targeted redevelopment of commercial areas, and responsibly guiding future land use.
The process to update their comprehensive plan started with a project kickoff in November of 2019, followed by various goal setting and conditions analyses, public workshops and meetings, task force recommendations, and review periods, before going in front of the Board of Supervisors for adoption in June of 2021 — three months ahead of schedule.

The update was driven by a nine-member task force, which consisted of representatives from the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, and residents, who met a total of eleven times to drive and provide guidance and feedback on all draft materials. Throughout the two-year process, they were able to collect more than 530 public survey responses and 12 stakeholder interviews.
As noted on Tredyffrin's Comprehensive Plan webpage, "the plan defines a vision for the future and provides a framework to achieve that vision, while also supporting officials and staff as they work to advance Township interests in a coordinated and cohesive manner."
Topic areas in the update include: Natural resources and environment; Parks and recreation; Historic preservation; Connectivity; Community services and facilities; Commercial and economic development; and Future land use. Goals, recommendations, and implementation strategies were developed for each of the respective areas.
This initiative supports the Vision in Landscapes3, Chester County's Comprehensive Plan, as it helps to balance preservation and growth by focusing on the most pressing challenges and opportunities for the Township.