2021 Transportation Improvement Inventory
Posted December 29, 2021

As an initiative that supports the "Connect" goal in Landscapes3, Chester County's Transportation Improvement Inventory (TII) is a comprehensive record of known transportation needs and projects throughout the county. The TII is updated biennially and contains projects that have been recommended to the Planning Commission by municipalities and other stakeholders over time.
The 2021 Transportation Inventory includes 529 proposed roadway, bridge, bicycle and pedestrian, freight and transit projects, with a total estimated cost of $4.53 billion.
The TII not only documents the county's transportation needs and projects, it also identifies projects eligible for funding opportunities that may be used toward implementation outside of the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission region's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), and serves as a resource for better coordination during the land development approval process among municipalities, the PA Department of Transportation (PennDOT), and Chester County.