Groundbreaking of New Coatesville Train Station

Posted November 22, 2021

On Friday, October 22, the Chester County Commissioners joined Governor Tom Wolf, State legislators, transportation leaders, and Coatesville City officials to break ground on a new train station in the City of Coatesville.


The new train station will improve ADA accessibility and provide level boarding platforms with canopies and seating, elevator towers, lighting and security cameras, bicycle racks, and expanded parking.

Additionally, the station will help to revitalize the Coatesville community and enhance multimodal connectivity throughout the region — an important objective within the "Connect" goal in Landscapes3.

"Today's groundbreaking is a significant milestone for the revitalization project that PennDOT is leading here in the City of Coatesville," noted Governor Wolf. "The project will improve equity, accessibility, and reliability in transportation — and that's exactly what Coatesville needs to continue growing and thriving." (See Vista.Today article.)

The new station will be located at the intersection of 4th Avenue and Fleetwood Street, which will be reconfigured to improve access to the station. Streetscaping will also include bus stop areas as well as a plaza and space for commercial and retail development on the south side of Fleetwood Street, opposite of the new station location.

State Representative Tim Hennessey noted that the groundbreaking was a big day for Coatesville, commenting on the success of the overall project. "I couldn't be happier for the City of Coatesville to celebrate your success today. This is a success story — a long time in coming — but a certified success," he added.

Streetscape work was completed along 3rd and 4th avenues in advance of the station construction to ensure safe and accessible pedestrian and bicycle connections to the new station location, while also providing aesthetic, drainage, and parking improvements.

The $65 million project, which is anticipated to be complete by the fall of 2025, is being led by PennDOT with support from Chester County, the City of Coatesville, and the Coatesville Redevelopment Authority, with additional funding by the Federal Transit Administration.

Coatesville City Manager, James Logan, commented about potential state aid for the project during their November 8th Council Meeting, noting that the City is also seeking grants for stormwater management and infrastructure improvements in the wake of flooding caused by remnants of Hurricane Ida, according to an article by Lancaster Online.

Currently, Coatesville has more than 17 development and improvement projects in the works, including the $65-million train station project and the $45-million National Sports and Entertainment Center.