Following Up: Chester Countys 2021 Transportation Forum
Posted October 13, 2021

The Chester County Planning Commission hosted the 2021 Transportation Forum, "Drivers, Deliveries, & Dollars," on September 29th via Zoom. The forum covered topics such as the impacts of COVID-19 on our transportation system, county trail planning and development, public transit and freight deliveries, land use impacts, major roadways, and funding.
Commissioner Josh Maxwell attended the forum, noting the importance of Chester County's transportation system when it comes to the vitality of our towns and communities.
"We want to see more transportation assets to make sure that we don't have overcrowding of streets, so that people — whether they're cycling, walking, running, or however they choose to get around — are safe here in Chester County," he commented. "We have a great collaboration process between the Planning Commission, many of our municipalities through the VPP grants, and just working to find ways to continue to make Chester County a better place when it comes to the environment and transportation."
Forum presenters included Chester County Planning Commission Environment and Infrastructure Division staff: Brian Styche, Director; Rachael Griffith, Senior Trails and Open Space Planner; Brian Donovan, Transportation Planner; and Eric Quinn, Transportation Planner.
Highlights included updates on current projects like the Schuylkill River Trail Phase 2, the Chester Valley Trail, and recommendations from the Southern Chester County Circuit Trail Feasibility Study (which are already underway), as well as the soon-to-be Coatesville Train Station, the Downingtown Area Transportation Study, and various bridge restorations throughout the county.
Additionally, Eric Quinn provided information on the county's Complete Streets policy, which began earlier this year and serves to safely and efficiently facilitate multiple modes of transportation such as pedestrian and cycling — not just the automobile. Quinn also touched on the county's Active Transportation Inventory, which was released in 2020.
This annual Transportation forum supports the "Connect" goal in Landscapes3, which serves to advance efficient, reliable, and innovative transportation, utility, and communications infrastructure systems that responsibly serve thriving and growing communities.
Learn more about Transportation initiatives in Chester County.