Join us for the 2021 Housing Forum

Posted October 12, 2021


As described on the Missing Middle Housing website, the word "Missing" is used to describe housing types that are generally not permitted to be built since the 1940s in many places due to zoning restrictions. This term was coined by Opticos Design Founder, Daniel Parolek in 2010, and is the topic for the Chester County Planning Commission's 2021 Housing Forum!

The Chester County Planning Commission will host the 2021 Housing Forum,"What's our type? Missing Middle typologies to meet housing needs" on Thursday, November 18, 2021 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the Government Services Center, and via Zoom. Presentations will focus on local Missing Middle typologies and approaches for municipalities to encourage Missing Middle Housing. Additionally, Nannette Whitsett of South Media United and Sarah Peck of Progressive New Homes LLC will speak on their experiences.

This forum provides a great opportunity for those who are interested in learning more about the county's housing planning activities, and is open to all municipal staff, partners, and anyone else that would like to attend.