Join us for the Fall Urban Centers Forum
Posted October 11, 2021

Chester County's Urban Centers include the 15 boroughs throughout the county as well as the City of Coatesville. Each of these urban centers serves as a civic, economic, and population center with a traditional town character and identity of its own.
To support the county's 16 Urban Centers, the Chester County Planning Commission and Chester County Department of Community Development host an annual Urban Centers Forum to present topics and information relevant to our Urban Centers while offering potential solutions and opportunities for discussion and networking.
This year, the Fall Urban Centers Forum, "Great Green, Growing Small Towns," will be held on Tuesday, October 26, 2021. Presentations will include:
- Permeable Paving (Hoopes Alley porous paver project); Green (stormwater) Bump-outs; Stream Protection Fee Program — Will Williams, West Chester Borough
- Swarthmore Borough Roundabout — Pedestrian safety, traffic calming, and stormwater management/vegetation — Nicole Kline and Jamie Kouch, McMahon Associates, Inc.
- Street Trees; Urban Forests; Green Infrastructure; Urban Heat Island effects — Chris Linn, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC)
The forum will take place in-person at Oxford Borough Hall (1 Octoraro Alley, Oxford, PA 19363) and via Zoom. We encourage anyone who can attend in-person to do so to gain the most out of the event, but a virtual option is available as well. (Note that CDC guidelines will be followed for the in-person event).
Additionally, a walking tour of Oxford's historic downtown will be offered after the event, and attendees are encouraged to visit local restaurants and enjoy all that downtown Oxford Borough has to offer. Prizes and other surprises will be provided for in person attendees, so don't miss out by registering to join us!