Fieldstone Village


East Fallowfield Township

Tract Size

104.5 acres

Open Space

73 acres

Number of Units

74 single family dwellings

Year Approved


Design Elements

Link Open Space on Adjacent Parcels
Parking for Small or Narrow Lots


Fieldstone Village is located along Oaklyn Rd. and South Caln Rd. The development's frontage along the more suburban Oaklyn Rd. has a minimal visual screen from the road, whereas the frontage along the more rural South Caln Rd. is screened by both vegetation and topography. Both main entrances to the development have terminal views of greenspace, and the development is organized around a central green. Two additional greens within each cluster of housing give the homes the feeling of larger lots and could have been further improved by providing additional amenities to increase the usability of required open space areas.

Some of the house lots have garages in the rear of the homes that are serviced by alleys. This arrangement keeps the sidewalks pedestrian-oriented by minimizing curb cuts for driveways and the visual impact of vehicles within the streetscape. The streets all have sidewalks, though there are few street trees which is a result of underground utility conflicts.

One of the biggest successes of this development is its preservation of approximately 70 acres of woodland, which includes a tributary of the West Branch of the Brandywine Creek. This woodland connects with a larger wooded area offsite. A trail easement was provided to the township through the development process that will contribute to the township’s trail network.

Photo 1

Rear alleys allow the vehicles, trash receptacles, and other elements that don't contribute to an attractive pedestrian streetscape to be located behind the homes.

Photo 2

Sidewalks are provided on both sides of the street, but street trees are lacking due to conflicts with underground utilities.

Photo 3

Nearly all homes have a view of open space, either from the front or rear of the house.

Photo 4

A stream runs through the development, and a vegetated riparian buffer serves as part of the visual screen between the development and South Caln Rd.