Big Improvements Coming to Coatesville's Ash Park

February 2025

Located between Walnut and Kersey Streets in the heart of the City of Coatesville, the 8.4 Ash Park has been described as the "heart and soul" of the community and will be undergoing some major changes in 2025!

In 2022 the City worked with Natural Lands to complete a master plan for the park and has since been amassing funding to realize the vision from the master plan. After several years of successful fundraising, Phases 1 and 2 of the master plan are scheduled to be under construction in 2025, transforming the site into a destination for both active and passive recreation for residents and visitors alike. The three-year master planning process also implements the 2016 City of Coatesville Parks 2021 Plan, which recommended selecting one park per year for master planning and revitalization.

As part of the Phase 1 and 2 improvements, the former swimming pool at the site will be replaced with a beautiful new splash pad and pavilion with restrooms and a gathering space. The existing basketball courts will be replaced and a third court added, and the current horseshoe pits will be relocated to the new picnic area. Further, the site will see improvements to its stormwater management infrastructure as well as both native trees and raingardens planted for both beauty and function throughout the park.

This project received funding and support from Natural Lands, PA DCNR, Representative Chrissy Houlahan, Senator Bob Casey, Senator Carolyn Comitta, and Representative Dan Williams. This project was also funded in part by the Chester County Preservation Partnership Program. Read the Ash Park Master Plan.

Ash Park