Keep Chester County Beautiful — Year in Review

February 2025


Volunteers really stepped up to keep Chester County beautiful in 2024: according to Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, there were over 40 registered volunteer events in Chester County this past year, with more than 1,400 volunteers, and over 4,500 bags of trash removed across 100 separate locations throughout the county.

Some of the highlights from 2024 include:

Thank you volunteers for helping to keep Chester County a beautiful place to live!

Keep an eye out for upcoming events this spring, during Pick Up PA, which begins on March 1, for opportunities to lend a hand and make a difference throughout the county, OR, register to host your own event! If you have questions about hosting an event, finding an existing event, or joining a working group for the coming year to help expand the group's reach, email for more information.

Litter Pick Up
Photo credit: Beth Intoccia, Litter Lifters of West Vincent