Keep Chester County Beautiful Gives Away Supplies to Local Volunteers

KCCB Contest

Spring 2023

Last month as part of "Pick Up PA," Chester County's Keep Chester County Beautiful program held a Spring Giveaway to provide a volunteer group with supplies for their cleanup event. The giveaway included 15 'Keep Chester County Beautiful' safety vests and 20 litter grabber tools. The winning group was required to host an event during Pick Up PA, follow Keep Chester County Beautiful on social media, and provide a description of their group. Our winning volunteer group was Schuylkill Township's EAC, nominated by Earl Cram.

Schuylkill Township's EAC has been removing litter from the township for years. With their new supplies, they were able to remove more than 1,400 pounds of trash from Pothouse Road on April 22, 2023. When the group previously cleaned this same stretch of roadway, they removed over 3,000 pounds! Earl and the EAC are doing great things and we know that they will continue to Keep Chester County Beautiful.