Sustainability Perspectives: Are real or artificial Christmas trees better for the environment?

Fall 2023


Welcome to the holiday season! Whether you haul out your holiday decorations before Thanksgiving or wait patiently till December, the big question is: real or plastic. Some families prefer the convenience of a plastic tree that can be used year after year, but there is a strong sustainability argument to be made for a fresh, locally grown tree. Not only does it invigorate our local farming economy for generations to come, but live Christmas trees have a serious edge when it comes to the environment.

It may be no surprise that Chester County is home to many family-owned Christmas tree farms, but did you know that Pennsylvania ranks third in the nation for the number of Christmas tree farms? There are more than 1,400 Christmas tree farms in the Commonwealth. These tree farms account for nearly 31,000 acres and produce about 1 million cut trees each year. These trees are both a renewable and recyclable resource. Real Christmas trees sequester carbon dioxide as they grow and emit fresh oxygen back into the atmosphere. Farm-grown Christmas trees stabilize soil, protect water supplies, and provide refuge for wildlife while creating scenic green belts. And, real Christmas trees can be easily reused or recycled for mulch and in some cases, fed to farm animals.

It is also customary for Christmas tree growers to plant one to three new seedlings for every tree they harvest. Artificial trees on the other hand are usually a petroleum-based product manufactured in factories and travel thousands of miles to get to your home. The average family uses an artificial tree for only six to nine years before throwing it away, where it will then remain in a landfill indefinitely.

By buying fresh trees from Chester County farmers, you help keep our farmland in agricultural production and you can reduce the amount of fossil fuels needed to transport a fresh tree from out of state. It's a win-win for everyone. Let's make it a fresh, local Christmas this year!