Let's Keep Chester County Beautiful!

Fall 2022

Beautiful landscapes characterize much of Chester County, and this October Chester County took steps to protect the beautiful and healthy environment treasured by so many by becoming a local affiliate of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful. Keep Chester County Beautiful is an initiative administered by the Chester County Planning Commission and will help connect Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful's resources and programs to the greater community. With the assistance of a volunteer committee consisting of representatives from county departments, environmental organizations, and active citizens, Keep Chester County Beautiful aims to expand capacity within the county for litter abatement, waste reduction, environmental stewardship, and education.

The certification of this new affiliate marked the culmination of a public-private-civic partnership process that began with the Litter Lifters of West Vincent, an offshoot of that Township's Environmental Advisory Council. The Litter Lifters have been an active force, cleaning up litter and illegal dumping through the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful's Pick Up Pennsylvania program since 2020.

Litter Lifters

Photo credit: Litter Lifters of West Vincent

This past weekend the Litter Lifters of West Vincent held the first event under the auspices of Keep Chester County Beautiful: a litter pick-up event along Route 100 in Ludwig's Corner. About thirty volunteers attended and removed nearly 60 bags of litter from the roadside. Check out a video of the event filmed by Chanel 6 ABC news.

Keep Chester County Beautiful aims to connect volunteers with opportunities. Those in Chester County who host activities for volunteers like tree plantings or litter clean-ups, or who provide environmental educational programs, are encouraged to post their events on Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful's website. The affiliate can help promote events and may be able to help find volunteers. If you have an idea for a project or program or are interested in starting a local environmental or litter clean-up group, we want to hear from you! Please contact us at sustainability@chesco.org, or 610-344-6285.