Public Transportation Plan Approved by Commissioners
Posted December 2, 2024

As we shared earlier this Fall, Chester County Planning Commission's Multimodal Transportation Planning Division has been working diligently on an update to the county's 2014 Public Transportation Plan. The updated Public Transportation Plan was presented and approved by the Chester County Commissioners at their November 20 Board Meeting.
The plan update addresses many of the same issues identified in the previous plan, plus those that have surfaced since (primarily caused by the pandemic), as well as the goals and objectives of Chester County's current comprehensive plan, Landscapes3.
Additions to the plan include new and revised recommendations within each of the three main chapters — System, Environment, and Experience — including a Vision Map, System Expansion section, and System Expansion Map.
Some of the topics addressed in these chapters include the expansion of passenger rail service and bus service (System section); providing additional bus stop amenities and encouraging municipal adoption of complete streets policies (Environment section); and providing more efficient services such as real-time status updates and full ADA compliance at all rail stations (Experience section).
A final version of the plan can be found on the project webpage.