Reflecting on 5 Years of Landscapes3: Preserving and Protecting Our Environment

Posted June 25, 2024


Over the past five years, Chester County's comprehensive plan, Landscapes3, has been continuously implemented through the plan's six goal areas and vision. As we enter the second half of Landscapes3's lifespan (the next five years), we're looking back at some of the plan's most notable achievements; and this month, we're highlighting the Preserve and Protect goals.

With open space preservation at the forefront of the Preserve goal, the county has been successful in more than just a few ways. As noted by Executive Director, Brian O'Leary, at CCPC's June Board Meeting, some achievements include expanding open space education through projects such as the Return on Environment Report, the Municipal Open Space Outreach campaign, and the updated Conservation Subdivision Design Guide, among others.

Of the open space preserved throughout the county, farmland is at the top of the list. Overall, preserved farmland increased from 46.6% of viable farmland in 2018 (when the plan was adopted), to 52.2% of viable farmland in 2023, supporting the plan's recommendation to increase protected farmland.

Additionally, the county has been successful in implementing the Protect goal in Landscapes3 which prioritizes the county's critical natural resources. This can be seen through fulfilling recommendations such as convening annual open space summits, promoting natural resources, and enhancing water resources protection.

Some notable projects that support this goal include the creation of the Keep Chester County Beautiful affiliate group, extensive online resources available through CCPC's website, public outreach and ordinance assistance, and the adoption of the county's new Act 167 Stormwater Ordinance (2022), as well as Watersheds 2045 (2024).

Overall, Chester County has a lot to celebrate when looking back over the last five years. Stay tuned as we continue to highlight each of the Landscapes3 goals and their most notable achievements over the next few months!

Learn more about the assessment of Landscapes3.