Success Stories — Closing in on 2023

Posted December 18, 2023

Success Stories

We're closing in on another great year of projects and initiatives that have supported Landscapes3 across Chester County — from open space initiatives to historic preservation efforts and much more. The full list of 2023 Success Stories will be released this upcoming spring, but in the meantime, here's a few highlights!

Earlier this year the county saw some exciting efforts under the Landscapes3 Preserve goal, such as 90 acres of land added to the Kirkwood Farm property through Willistown Conservation Trust; and East Whiteland Township's opening of Bacton Hill Park. The county also received an Open Space Award in October from the PA Chapter of the American Planning Association.

CCPC prepared a new webpage that supports the Landscapes3 Protect goal by providing resources and information about Woodlands and Tree Protection in Chester County. Additionally, the Water Resources Authority has been busy planning for the future of the county's waterways through the update of Watersheds 2045.

This past spring the City of Coatesville celebrated an exciting part of the county's cultural history with a street dedication and memorial ceremony honoring the late Dr. Whittier C. Atkinson. This initiative, along with the annual Town Tours & Village Walks program, help to preserve the county's history through the Landscapes3 Appreciate goal.

The Keep Chester County Beautiful affiliate group kept busy by hosting various litter reduction and community compost initiatives in support of the Landscapes3 Live goal. There were also a number of new housing developments and community facilities that were completed this past year.

When tragedy struck the Borough of Oxford with a fire, their community (and surrounding communities) sprang into action by launching economic development/recovery strategies. This, along with the addition of various new large industrial developments, show the county's support of the Prosper goal in Landscapes3.

And finally, there were a number of projects that supported the Landscapes3 Connect goal in 2023 — funding for trails, the formation of the Sustainable Energy Partnership of PA, efforts toward adopting solar ordinances and clean energy plans — to name just a few.

While these are just some of the successes that have taken place this past year, they showcase the wide range of activities that are taking place as we continue to plan for the future of Chester County. As you stay on the lookout for the complete list of 2023 Success Stories this spring, be sure to check out our Success Stories from previous years!