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Municipal Corner

Municipal Grant Opportunities

There are many opportunities for Chester County municipalities and organizations to apply for grants throughout the year. This one-stop resource provides descriptions, deadlines, and past awards for grants in several topic areas, including community development, community planning, historic preservation, open space and the environment, transportation, and utilities and infrastructure. Please note we do our best to keep this page up to date. The grant websites are the best source of information.

Looking for some tips on how to apply for a grant? First, determine the funding source that fits your project and then talk to a representative at the administrating agency to identify project qualifications. Next, clearly and concisely convey the following points in the grant application: the results of your planning efforts, the relevance of the project with regional plans, and the public need and urgency for the project. Throughout the grant process, it's important to gather public input, build a team, and involve all planning resources.

Community Development | Community Planning | Historic Preservation | Open Space and Environment | Transportation | Utilities and Infrastructure

lettersGrant Support Letter Requests

Do you need a grant support letter from the Chester County Planning Commission? If so, please send your request to with the following information:

  1. Name of the grant program with a link to the grant program website.
  2. A brief description of the project and, if applicable, any specific information requirements for the grant letter.
  3. Provide any attachments, such as sample letters, that are relevant to your request.
  4. Date by which you need the support letter.
  5. Deadline for grant application.
  6. Contact information for person requesting the letter.

The Chester County Planning Commission is pleased to provide support letters for projects that are consistent with and advance the goals of the Chester County Comprehensive Plan Landscapes3 or other policy documents such as the Chester County Climate Action Plan.


Community Development

Grant Name Administrating Agency Description Application Period Past Awards
Entitlement Application (CDBG, HOME, ESG)
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Chester County Department of Community Development The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds can be used for a variety of infrastructure activities, public facility and park improvements, housing rehabilitation, public services, and economic development for income qualifying areas and households.

HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funding is targeted to developing new affordable housing units in Chester County and providing first-time homebuyer assistance.
The 2023-2024 Entitlement Application Round has closed. The Chester County Commissioners award approximately $2 million in CDBG grants annually to municipalities, nonprofit organizations, social service providers, and housing organizations.

HOME funds are available to private and nonprofit affordable housing developers. These funds can be used for affordable homeownership and rental activities, including as gap financing for low income housing tax credit (LIHTC) developments.
Community Revitalization Program (CRP)
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Chester County Department of Community Development Urban center municipalities, which include Chester County's 15 boroughs and the City of Coatesville, may apply for CRP funding. CRP awards support infrastructure improvements, streetscaping activities, economic development opportunities, and other projects that promote the revitalization of Chester County's urban centers. Check back for more information. In 2021, the Chester County Commissioners awarded $2.4 million in funding to five municipalities across the county.
Community Revitalization Fund Program
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PA Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) This grant program provides financing for the construction or rehabilitation of mixed-use developments providing affordable housing in commercial corridors across the Commonwealth. Priority will be given to projects in third-class cities and smaller communities, but communities across the commonwealth are encouraged to apply. The application period is now closed. To date, the Agency has sold five rounds of tax credits, awarded four rounds of grants, and funded 22 projects.
Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Program in Pennsylvania
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United States Department of Agriculture This program provides affordable funding (loans and/or grants) to develop essential community facilities in rural areas. This funding can go toward the development of health care and public facilities; local food systems; and the following services: community support, public safety, educational, and utility. Eligible applicants include public bodies and community-based nonprofit corporations. Applications are accepted year-round. There is no county specific information regarding funding.
Keystone Communities Program
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Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development This program is a flexible tool for use in community and economic development for a variety of uses including planning activities, façade grant programs, accessible housing programs, and development grants. Eligible applicants include government entities; redevelopment and/or housing authorities; nonprofit organizations, economic development organizations, housing corporations, etc.; community development corporations; business improvement districts; neighborhood improvement districts; downtown improvement districts; and similar organizations incorporated as authorities. Designation applications are accepted at all times. Competitive funding applications are accepted July 1 through August 31. There is no county specific information regarding funding.
AARP Community Challenge
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American Association of Retired Persons This program provides small grants to improve housing, transportation, public space, and other community elements that support great places for people of all ages. Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations and government entities. Other types of organizations are considered on a case-by-case basis. The application period is now closed. There are no recent awards in Chester County, however Lancaster and Philadelphia recently received funding through this program.

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Community Planning

Grant Name Administrating Agency Description Application Period Past Awards
Vision Partnership Program — Cash Grant
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Chester County Planning Commission This program provides funds or technical assistance to municipalities for comprehensive plans, ordinance updates, or planning studies to implement Landscapes3, Chester County's comprehensive plan and consists of two sides: Cash Grant and County Consulting/Technical. The application period is now closed opening again in 2025. The first round of the 2024 VPP awarded a total of nearly $160,000 to four Chesco municipalities for a variety of projects that support Landscapes3.
Vision Partnership Program — Rolling Mini-Grant
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Chester County Planning Commission These grants are available to single county municipalities seeking to quickly implement specific municipal outreach initiatives of CCPC. Applications may be submitted at any time. This is a new program.
Local Climate Action Program (LCAP)
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PA Department of Environmental Protection This program provides free technical and personnel assistance to local governments that want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address climate change. Teams are trained by a DEP contractor to develop greenhouse inventories and climate action plans for their communities. Training begins in August and concludes in May, however DEP also offers a flexible subscription option. Recent Chester County awards include the municipalities of West Bradford, Uwchlan, and East Fallowfield.
Our Town Grants
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National Endowment for the Arts Through project-based funding, this program supports activities that integrate arts, culture, and design into local efforts that strengthen communities. Our Town projects advance local economic, physical, or social outcomes in communities, ultimately laying the groundwork for systems change and centering equity. These projects require a partnership between a nonprofit organization and a local government entity, with one of the partners being a cultural organization. Applications are accepted once per year. N/A

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Historic Preservation

Grant Name Administrating Agency Description Application Period Past Awards
Historic Preservation Fund Grant Programs
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National Park Service Established in 1977, this grant program and includes various programs: competitive grants, formula grants, and disaster recover grants. Each program has specific criteria connected to a wide array of historic resources. They include African American Civil Rights, Preservation in Rural Communities, Historic Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Heritage, and more. There are also several programs related to specific resources: Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation, Battlefield Protection, Roads/Trails/Conservation Assistance Program, National Heritage Areas, and Preservation Training. Varies program to program There is no county specific information regarding funding.
Keystone Historic Preservation Construction Grants
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Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission This grant supports projects that rehabilitate, restore, or preserve historic resources listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Funding is available to nonprofit organizations and local governments for small construction projects for publicly accessible historic resources. The application period is now closed. In 2023, East Bradford Township and the Chester County Department of Facilities each received $100,000 grants through this program. Overall, more than 2.5 million was allocated in PA.
Keystone Historic Preservation Planning Grants
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Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission This grant supports projects that identify, preserve, promote and protect publicly accessible historic and archaeological resources of Pennsylvania for both the benefit of the public and the revitalization of communities. Funding is available to nonprofit organizations and local governments for the planning and development for publicly accessible historic resources listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The application period is now closed. In 2015, $5,000 was received for work in the West Chester Historic Zoning District.
Certified Local Government Grant Program (CLG)
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Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission This program provides financial support to participating communities to develop the tools, products, programs, and services they need to administer their local preservation programs effectively and in accordance with the CLG Guidelines and Procedures. Grant funds may be used to create standalone products or be leveraged to contribute to larger efforts such as a community's comprehensive planning process or Main Street program. Funding under this program is limited to Certified Local Governments. The application period is now closed. There is no county specific information regarding funding.

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Open Space and Environment

Grant Name Administrating Agency Description Application Period Past Awards
C3AP Non-Ag Implementation Grant
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Chester County Conservation District The Chesco Chesapeake Communities Action Plan (C3AP) outlines approaches to reduce nutrients and sediment to improve the water quality of local streams and to reduce pollution entering the Chesapeake Bay. Funding assistance will be available for non-agricultural projects that include BMPs resulting in nutrient and sediment reductions. Local municipalities, non-profit organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), landowners, and other organizations are encouraged to apply. The application period is now closed. No info regarding past awards at this time.
Boating Facility Grant Program
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Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission This program provide grants for the planning, acquisition, development, expansion and rehabilitation of public boating facilities located on the waters of the Commonwealth. The goal of the program is to ensure Pennsylvania's recreational boaters have the highest quality boating facilities. The application period is now closed. There is no county specific information regarding funding.
Community Conservation Partnerships Program (C2P2)
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Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources This grant provides funds for the planning, acquisition, and development of public parks, recreation areas, motorized and non-motorized trails, river conservation and access, and the conservation of open space. Eligible applicants include municipalities, counties, nonprofit organizations, and State Heritage Areas. The application period is now closed. The 2023 C2P2 awards included more than $3.3 million in funding to support various types of projects throughout Chester County.
Community Recreation and Conservation Planning Funding
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Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Planning projects laying groundwork for land acquisition, development and/or management of parks, rec facilities, critical habitat, natural areas, greenways, and river/watershed corridors. (Part of C2P2) The application period is now closed. No information at this time.
Community & Watershed Forestry Program
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Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Part of C2P2, this program provides financial assistance to identify locations in need of riparian forest buffers, lawn conversion into meadows or woodland, community tree planting, and to design, implement, and establish those practices (those requesting TreeVitalize funding should apply here). The application period is now closed. No information at this time.
Delaware Watershed Conservation Fund (DWCF)
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National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) The DWCF will award matching grants of $75,000 to $1,500,000 each to conserve, restore, and protect habitats on public and private land, across rural, urban, and Tribal areas, that contribute to the overall health of the Delaware River watershed — as well as benefit the quality of life and economic vitality of the communities in the Delaware River watershed. Approximately $14.4 million in grant funding is available. The application period is now closed. Since 2018, the Delaware Watershed Conservation Fund has awarded $40.4 million to 159 projects, leveraging $59.7 million in grantee matching funds for a total conservation impact of $100.1 million.
Park Rehabilitation and Development Funding
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Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Part of C2P2, this program involves rehabilitation and development of public parks, recreation facilities, greenways, rivers conservation projects and is funded under Small Community Program. The application period is now closed. No information at this time.
Park Rehabilitation and Development Funding
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Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Projects are collaborative, statewide or regional initiatives to help build local, county, regional and statewide capacity to better develop and manage park and recreation facilities and to promote natural heritage resources through plan implementation, education and training. (Part of C2P2) The application period is now closed. No information at this time.
State and Regional Partnership Funding
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Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Partnerships projects are collaborative statewide or regional initiatives that help build local, county, regional and statewide capacity to better develop and manage recreation and park facilities and to promote the conservation of natural and heritage resources through plan implementation, education and training. (Part of C2P2) The application period is now closed. There is no county specific information regarding funding.
Emergency Watershed Protection
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United States Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service-Pennsylvania The purpose of this program is to undertake emergency measures, including the purchase of flood plain easements, to prevent runoff and soil erosion in order to safeguard lives and property from floods, drought, and erosion on any watershed whenever natural occurrence(s) cause a sudden impairment of the watershed. Eligible applicants include municipalities, counties, and conservation districts. All applications must be submitted within 10 days of the disaster. For non-emergency situations, all applications must be submitted within 60 days of the disaster. There is no county specific information regarding funding.
Growing Greener Plus
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Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection This program provides funding for a variety of project types including watershed restoration work such as: watershed assessments; development and implementation of watershed restoration or protection plans; implementation of stormwater management wetlands, riparian buffer fencing and planting, streambank restoration, agricultural BMPs; and demonstration/education projects and outreach activities. Eligible applicants include municipalities, municipal authorities, watershed organizations, and other non-profits. The application period is now closed. Approximately $18.2 million has been awarded to fund 65 projects to clean up waters in PA, with 5 projects in Chester County in 2021.
Marcellus Shale Legacy Fund Grants
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Commonwealth Financing Authority These grants provide for the distribution of unconventional gas well impact fees to counties, municipalities and commonwealth agencies. The grants support improvements to municipalities' water systems and for public services and environmental protection projects. Funding programs include Abandoned Mine Drainage Abatement; Baseline Water Quality Data; Flood Mitigation; Orphan or Abandoned Well Plugging; Sewage Facilities; Watershed Restoration and Protection; and Greenways, Trails and Recreation. Applications are accepted annually between February 1 and May 31. In 2019, five Chester County entities — including municipalities and nonprofit organizations — received Marcellus Shale Legacy Fund Grants, totaling $769,159. That included two municipalities in Chester County receiving $315,000 in Greenways and Trails grants; one Chester County municipality receiving $$32,610 for a Sewage Facilities grant; and two entities receiving $421,549 for a Watershed Restoration and Protection grant.
Native Tree Seedlings
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National Wildlife Federation The National Wildlife Federation provides reimbursement for free or subsidized native tree seedlings to partners who in turn plant them through local restoration projects or community tree giveaway events. Applicants must have a plan for tree maintenance after planting. The program is currently only able to support native tree seedling reimbursement for existing partners of the National Wildlife Federation. No information at this time.
PECO Green Region Open Space Program
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Natural Lands PECO provides grant awards of up to $10k to municipalities and non-profit organizations. The grants cover habitat improvement and enhanced tree cover, consulting fees, trail construction, land acquisition, and or/ the cost of creating and implementing an open space plan. The application period for both grants will run concurrently from August 14, 2024, until 4:00 PM October 24, 2024. The fund has distributed $1.75 million to municipalities and nonprofit organizations for over 230 open space projects in the region since 2004. Over the last 10 years, 48 awardees in Chester County received this type of grant, totaling $400,000.
Preservation Partnership Program
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Chester County Department of Parks and Preservation This program is open to municipalities and land conservancies to preserve land or to build or improve municipal parks and trails. The application period is now closed. In 2022, the Chester County Commissioners awarded $2 million in grants to land conservancies and $1.2 million to municipalities.
Schuylkill Highlands Mini-Grant Program
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Natural Lands This is a reimbursement grant program funded by the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and administered by Natural Lands. The program offers a yearly spring grant round funding grants from $1K to $25K that encourage sustainable development, protect and steward natural resources, implement land stewardship, restoration, riparian buffers, conservation plans and ordinances among other outdoor recreation projects The application period is now closed. In 2022, North Coventry and East Coventry Townships, as well as Lundale Farm, received mini-grants through this program.
Schuylkill River Restoration Fund
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Schuylkill River Greenways National Heritage Area The fund provides grants to government agencies and nonprofit organizations for projects that improve the quality and quantity of water in the river and its tributaries. The grants focus on three major sources of pollution: stormwater runoff, agricultural pollution and abandoned mine drainage. In addition, Land Transaction Assistance grants are also available to cover transaction costs for permanent land protection projects. The application period is now closed; application materials will be available online in January 2025. Since its inception in 2006, this program has funded over $5 million for projects within the Schuylkill River watershed.
CCCD Trees for Watersheds Grants
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Chester County Conservation District Formerly known as the TreeVitalize Watersheds Grants, this program helps municipalities, nonprofits, and private landowners plant trees along streams, neighboring upland areas, and natural stormwater basins. Anyone with a good project on permanently protected land can apply. The result is thousands of trees planted every year, and improved water quality in sensitive water protection zones. The application period is now closed. No information at this time.

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Grant Name Administrating Agency Description Application Period Past Awards
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Pennsylvania Department of Health This program provide assistance to advance policy development related to active transportation. Active transportation includes walking, biking, using a wheelchair, and accessing public transit. Eligible applicants include municipalities, Metropolitan and Rural Planning Organizations (MPOs/RPOs), and other governmental entities, like Counties, with the capacity to complete the proposed project and adopt the resulting plans. The application period is now closed. Oxford Borough is a 2022-2023 grantee for its Active Transportation Plan.
Multimodal Transportation Fund
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Pennsylvania Department of Transportation This program provides financial assistance to municipalities, councils of governments, businesses, economic development organizations, public transportation agencies, rail freight, passenger rail, and ports to improve transportation assets that enhance communities, pedestrian safety, and transit revitalization. The FY 2024-2025 application period is now closed. The 2023-2024 awards included funding to the Borough of Phoenixville, East Whiteland Township, and West Bradford Township.
Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TA Set-Aside)
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Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission This program uses federal highway and transit funds for community-based "non-traditional" projects designed to strengthen the cultural, aesthetic, and environmental aspects of the nation's intermodal transportation system. This includes projects that build pedestrian and bicycle facilities, improve access to public transportation, create safe routes to school, preserve historic transportation structures, provide environmental mitigation, and create trail projects. Eligible project sponsors include local governments, regional transportation authorities, transit agencies, natural resource or public land agencies, including federal agencies, school entities, and nonprofit entities that are responsible for administration of local transportation safety programs. The application period is now closed. $845,000 was awarded to Penn Township in 2022 to install a 5-foot-wide sidewalk along the east side of Jenners Pond Road from the intersection of Baltimore Pike to the existing sidewalk to the south, and along Route 796 from the Shoppes at Jenners Village signalized intersection to the existing sidewalk at the intersection of Route 796 and Baltimore Pike.
CFA Multimodal Transportation Fund
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Commonwealth Financing Authority This program awards funds for the development, rehabilitation, and enhancement of transportation assets to existing communities, including streetscape, lighting, sidewalk enhancement, pedestrian safety, connectivity of transportation assets and transit-oriented development. Eligible applicants include municipalities, councils of governments, businesses, economic development organizations, public transportation agencies, and rail/freight ports. Applications are accepted from 3/1 - 7/31 each year. In 2021, five Chester County entities received this grant, totaling just under $1.9 million.
Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Program (AFIG)
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Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection The primary goals of the Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant (AFIG) Program are to improve Pennsylvania's air quality and reduce consumption of imported oil through the use of homegrown alternative fuels that will help the Commonwealth's economy and environment. Through the program, DEP solicits applications for innovative, advanced fuel and vehicle technology projects resulting in cleaner advanced alternative transportation within the Commonwealth. There are two application periods. The program will collect and review all applications submitted by 11:59 PM on June 28, 2024, and again by 11:59 PM on December 20, 2024. There is no county specific information regarding funding. In 223 grants were awarded to projects in Philadelphia and Lancaster Counties.
Green Light-Go: Pennsylvania's Municipal Signal Partnership Program
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Pennsylvania Department of Transportation The Green Light–Go Program provides state funds for the operation and maintenance of traffic signals along critical and designated corridors on state highways. Pre-Application scoping forms will be accepted via email until November 22, 2024. PennDOT will review and provide comments on the Pre-Application Scoping Forms by January 31, 2025. Full applications must be submitted electronically through the DCED Single Application for Assistance between February 1, 2025 and February 28, 2025. In 2018, three municipalities in Chester County received this grant, totaling $1.1 million.
Automated Red Light Enforcement (ARLE) Program
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Pennsylvania Department of Transportation This program uses revenues from ARLE-levied fines to fund highway safety projects across the state. A very wide range of projects are eligible, with an emphasis on those that can be completed at a relatively low cost, including retiming or coordination of existing traffic-control signals, pavement restriping projects to increase capacity or improve safety, and centerline rumble strips. Municipalities having authority to enact traffic laws are eligible to apply, as are Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), county planning organizations, and Commonwealth agencies. Applications are accepted from June 1 to July 1, annually. In 2018, three municipalities in Chester County received this grant, totaling nearly $1 million.
Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program
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Commonwealth Financing Authority This program provides grants for projects which involve development, rehabilitation and improvements to public parks, recreation areas, greenways, trails and river conservation. Eligible applicants include municipalities, for-profit businesses, councils of governments, and institutions of higher education. Applications are accepted annually between February 1 and May 31. In 2018, four projects in Chester County received these grants, totaling $550,000.
Transportation & Community Development Initiative (TCDI)
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Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission TCDI is a competitive grant opportunity for local governments, transportation management associations (TMAs), and transit agencies to support smart growth planning initiatives that help implement the Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia. TCDI focuses on linking land use and transportation planning that results in enhancing existing transportation infrastructure, encouraging more transportation choices, reinforcing town-center development, protecting the environment, and improving quality of life. The applications period for FY 2023 is now closed.

In 2021, three Chester County municipalities were awarded a total of $221,000.

Competitive Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program
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Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission This program seeks to fund transportation projects that will improve air quality and reduce traffic congestion in the DVRPC region, including pedestrian and bicycle projects, transit improvement programs, and funding of transportation demand management programs. Eligible projects will demonstrably reduce air pollution emissions and help the DVRPC region meet the federal health based air quality standards. This is a reimbursement program - not a grant program. Public agencies and public-private partnerships with a public agency sponsor are eligible to apply. No applications are being accepted at this time. In 2019, two projects in Chester County were awarded a total of $2,978,656.

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Utilities and Infrastructure

Grant Name Administrating Agency Description Application Period Past Awards
EERE Funding Opportunities
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U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) invests in research and development to lower the cost of clean energy technologies, protect the private sector from financial risk, and ensure an equitable transition to a decarbonized economy. Funding is awarded through an open, competitive process hosted primarily on the EERE Funding Opportunity eXCHANGE. Project selections are merit-based with an emphasis on potential energy, environmental, and economic benefits. Varies program to program. There is no county specific information regarding funding.
Homeowner On-Lot Sewage Disposal and Lateral Repair Loans
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PENNVEST This is a Pennsylvania state loan program to assist homeowners with improvement, replacement or repair of individual on-lot sewage disposal system or to connect for the first time to a public sewer system. Applications are accepted year-round. There is no county specific information regarding funding.
Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program
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United States Department of Agriculture A federal loan/grant program that provides clean and reliable drinking water, sanitary sewage disposal, sanitary solid waste disposal and stormwater drainage to households and businesses in eligible rural areas. Eligible applicants include most state and local governmental entities and private nonprofits. Applications are accepted year-round. There is no county specific information regarding funding.

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