Vision Partnership Program — Rolling Mini-Grant

The Vision Partnership Program (VPP) Rolling Mini-Grant is a grant available to single Chester County municipalities seeking to quickly implement specific municipal outreach initiatives of the Chester County Planning Commission (CCPC) that implement the goals, objectives, recommendations, and map of Landscapes3.

The VPP rolling mini-grant has a maximum cash award value of $10,000 and must be completed within a year.

Program Purpose

The purpose of the VPP rolling mini-grant is to quickly advance consistency with and implementation of the county comprehensive plan, Landscapes3, specifically the following CCPC municipal outreach initiatives:

Municipal Eligibility

The VPP rolling mini-grant program is open to all Chester County municipalities which have endorsed or acknowledged Landscapes3. This program is only open for single municipal projects, not multi-municipal projects. If a municipality currently has an active VPP project, eligibility will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Project Eligibility

Learn more about eligible initiatives.

VPP Rolling Mini-Grant Manual and Application

View VPP Rolling Mini-Grant Manual

View VPP Rolling Mini-Grant Application