Funding for Urban Centers
Funding is available for planning, regulatory updates, and implementation projects.

Vision Partnership Program
The Vision Partnership Program (VPP) is available to Chester County municipalities and multi-municipal groups seeking to improve their planning programs while achieving consistency with and implementation of the goals, objectives, recommendations, and map of Landscapes3. VPP consists of three types of assistance: Cash Grant program, a Technical Services Contract program, and a Technical Assistance Agreement. Through the Cash Grant program there are two competitive rounds per year, funding permitting, through which a municipality may hire a private consultant for planning projects. Through the Technical Services Contract program, Chester County Planning Commission staff are available to act as the consultant for undertaking projects, with cost-sharing between the County and municipality. The Technical Services Contract projects are undertaken based on staff availability and potential to implement Landscapes3. Under a Cash Grant or Technical Services Contract, general project types that may be eligible include comprehensive plans, zoning and subdivision ordinances, ordinance amendments, official maps, and planning studies that advance one or more of the Landscapes3 goals and objectives, and implement one or more of the Landscapes3 recommendations at the municipal or multi-municipal level.

For planning efforts that do not rise to the level of a multi-year effort and formal application to the Vision Partnership Program, written requests for technical assistance can be made to the Chester County Planning Commission. Efforts that may fall under a Technical Assistance Agreement include development of an official map, special studies (parking, trails, economic development, etc.), mapping development and analysis, conceptual designs and illustrations, and limited updates to a revitalization plan. Requests are considered on a case-by-case basis, dependent on staff availability and implementation of Landscapes3. Technical Assistance Agreements include a scope of work and cost-sharing (as with Technical Services Contracts), but must be limited in the scope, duration, and cost of the agreement. The agreement requires signature by both the County and the municipality. The cost varies based on the project scope. Please contact Urban Planner Kevin Myers at or 610.344.6285 with questions regarding Vision Partnership Program options.
Community Revitalization Program
Urban Centers may apply for funding through the Chester County Department of Community Development's Community Revitalization Program (CRP), which provides construction funds for public infrastructure improvements. Projects funded may include but are not limited to the installation of sidewalks, streetscapes, parks and recreation facilities, sewer and water lines, and sewer and water treatment plant improvements. Once funding for the project is awarded, design and engineering on the project can commence. Finally, after engineering of the project concludes, the project can advance to the bid and permitting process and construction. For more information and the CRP schedule visit the CCDCD website.
Additional Funding Options
The Chester County Planning Commission maintains a current listing of grant opportunities for municipalities, from both county and non-county sources.