Implementation — How we Connect

Support a resilient and clean energy network

How we Connect

Local ordinances that support diverse energy technologies, including alternate energy sources such as solar, will enhance the resiliency of the energy network and reduce greenhouse gases.

Provide technical assistance and support for policies and regulations that advance a resilient energy generation and distribution system, promote energy conservation, support renewable energy sources, and reduce greenhouse gases.


Supporting a wide range of energy sources, distribution system alternatives, and energy conservation measures will create a more resilient energy network and help to address climate change.


Energy options, including renewable and clean energy, can be expanded by assisting municipalities with land use regulations and review processes that support the development and use of alternate and emerging energy technologies. Energy conservation techniques can also be encouraged through municipal building codes and the land development process. Local regulations that promote the provision of electric charging stations can advance the use and practicality of electric vehicles. The County Planning Commission will assist municipalities and regional planning groups in developing or enhancing ordinances that allow and encourage a diverse and resilient energy network through technical reviews and assistance.

State, regional, and local actions to improve resiliency and redundancy through wider use of micro-grids, small scale energy generation, and energy storage projects will also advance energy resiliencyand reliability. Resources and links that support education and technical assistance for sustainable energy options will be available through the Planning Commission website and distributed through various platforms.