Implementation — How we Live

Promote increased access to fresh, healthy, and local food

How we Live

Farmers' markets provide access to fresh food on a routine basis in locations convenient to many and should be supported by local efforts and regulations.

Promote increased access to fresh, healthy, and local food throughout the county.


Convenient access to fresh and healthy food sources is critical in supporting healthy lifestyle choices and maintaining a high quality of life.


The Planning Commission will provide technical assistance to municipalities regarding regulatory provisions to allow for urban agriculture, farmers' markets, and farm stands, and to address evolving agricultural practices through land use regulations. The county and municipalities should also work with local partners to eliminate or minimize impacts resulting from food deserts, as well as to increase access to farmers' markets to citizens participating in the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program. The Agricultural Development Council will continue to produce the annual Local Farm Products Guide as a resource to connect the public with locally produced agricultural products. Information could also be provided on county websites, partner websites, and through educational sessions. Outreach efforts could be undertaken through social media and direct contact with municipalities, and with assistance from planning partners such as the Penn State Extension.