Implementation — How we Appreciate

Expand historic interpretation and education

Expand historic preservation interpretation and educational opportunities that promote core themes of the county's history and sense of place, with an emphasis on linking past, present, and future.


Education and interpretation are vital to the long-term success of historic preservation and engaging county residents and visitors on themes central to the history and development of Chester County.


The Chester County Planning Commission will create an online toolkit for partners to access as a starting point for historic preservation interpretation and education. Adaptive and graphic interpretative signage at public locations, including county and municipal parks, should be part of this effort to expand educational opportunities. This work is a partnership of multiple entities, each of which can work to incorporate these themes and information on historic resources within existing public education materials or interpretative programs, or within new materials or programs.


Agriculture: A moderate climate, rich soils, and strong work ethic have made agriculture a strong and diverse industry since the county's founding. The agricultural industry remains an economic force that continues to adapt, while farms enrich our scenic viewsheds and sense of place.

American Revolution

American Revolution: The Philadelphia Campaign of 1777 involved multiple conflicts and troop movements across a broad area impacting local residents and the nation's founding. Preservation and interpretation efforts retain stories, features, and landscapes that draw visitors and are valued by residents.

Iron & Steel

Iron & Steel: The northern section of the county boasts a longer history with and connection to the iron and steel industry than anywhere else in the United States. Historic sites, parks, and trails continue to interpret this history, while the steel industry remains as part of the county's diverse industrial base.

Historic Themes

This map depicts core themes of Chester County's history and touches on ways they impact current and future activities and programs. View larger map.


Quaker: In 1682, William Penn established three counties – Philadelphia, Bucks, and Chester – to foster Quaker principles in the new world. The meetinghouses and residences of Quaker settlers remain in use today, representing a legacy that includes the Underground Railroad and women's rights. Preservation and interpretation efforts inspire advocacy and support tourism.


Transportation: The county's rich transportation history includes Native American paths, routes used by colonial travelers and drovers, and railroad lines that continue to spur development. Our transportation network continues to play a significant role in the patterns and extent of development.


Waterways: Many waterways provided raw materials and powered mills that created diverse products such as flour, fabrics, and munitions. Preservation of historic mills and dams provides a scenic reminder of these once powerful industrial sites, while waterways provide an abundant water supply and recreation opportunities.