Implementation — How we Protect

Support municipal on-lot sewage management programs

Expand technical assistance to municipalities for implementing on-lot sewage management programs.

How we Protect


Properly permitted and maintained on-lot sewage disposal systems are a cost-effective and long-term solution for filtering household wastewater that minimizes the need to extend public wastewater treatment systems and protects water quality. A municipal on-lot sewage management program can help extend the life of on-lot systems and minimize system failures.


With the County Health Department serving as the lead agency, expanded coordination and technical assistance can be provided to municipalities, particularly those with a large number of on-lot systems. As part of this technical assistance, the county could expand its database for pump-outs to ensure it provides municipalities with the necessary data to monitor system maintenance, facilitate information sharing among municipalities for implementing cost-effective sewage management programs, provide analytical and mapping technical assistance, and provide technical assistance for proper system operation and maintenance. Identifying potential funding sources to provide assistance to homeowners for replacing failing on-lot systems should also be explored as part of this effort.