Implementation — How we Protect

Enhance stormwater technical assistance and collaboration

How we Protect

Progressive stormwater management facilities, such as this vegetated curb bump-out in West Chester, can serve as models for reducing stormwater and polluted runoff and enhancing groundwater recharge.

Enhance technical assistance to municipalities and partners to address stormwater and polluted runoff issues.


Restoring impaired streams and protecting unimpaired streams from stormwater pollutants and erosion is an essential element of water resources protection as well as the maintenance of healthy aquatic and wildlife habitats.


With the Chester County Water Resources Authority serving as the lead County agency, enhanced coordination and technical assistance can be provided to municipalities for addressing stormwater, Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) requirements, and pollution runoff and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) issues. Support can be provided for collaborative partnerships involving municipalities, landowners, water suppliers, conservation organizations, and agricultural operators to develop and implement water quality restoration projects. As part of this technical assistance, the county could share information on local or regional examples of progressive stormwater management designs and water quality riparian restorations. Assistance could also come in the form of serving as a liaison between municipalities and regulatory agencies and providing analytical and mapping technical support. Additional partners supporting this effort are the Chester County Conservation District, the U. S. Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the County Planning Commission.