Through the dedication of many individuals and organizations, an area nearly half the size of all Pennsylvania state parks combined has been protected in the county, an accomplishment that can continue to grow in impact through collaboration.
Photo contest entry: Mark Williams
Convene an open space summit on a regular basis with public and private open space protectors to coordinate activities beyond municipal boundaries.
Multiple entities such as farmers, non-profit land trusts, municipalities, government agencies, watershed associations, grant awarding organizations, and other entities are involved with the acquisition, maintenance, management, or restoration of protected open spaces in Chester County. These stakeholders should convene on a biennial basis to coordinate efforts to achieve goals.
The primary purpose for the summits would be information sharing to facilitate regional efforts, since county and state grant initiatives commonly focus on watershed-wide or multi-municipal resource areas, including stream corridors. Issues of common concern could be discussed allowing the different entities in land preservation to have a greater understanding of different perspectives. This effort should be coordinated by the county in collaboration with land trusts.