Implementation — How we Preserve

Expand the network of protected open space

Expand the countywide network of protected open space through conservation corridors that connect communities to recreational parks, historic resources, trails, and natural areas, while protecting stream and wildlife corridors.

How we Preserve
A network of protected open space includes links such as preserved stream corridors and trails that protect water quality, provide recreation, and serve as wildlife corridors.
Photo contest entry: Kate Mims


Linking protected open space areas (parks, trails, natural areas, and farms) serves both public health and ecological health, and increases the overall value of the network.


There are many opportunities to establish links in a countywide network, at times on smaller parcels of land. These links could be in the form of recreation trails, protected stream corridors, or areas of protected wildlife habitat, along corridors as depicted on the Conservation Clusters and Corridors Map. This effort should be conducted by the land trusts in coordination with municipalities and the county. Support for this effort would come from municipal, county, state, and federal sources.

Conservation Clusters and Corridors

Linking protected open space can increase recreational, ecological, scenic, and economic value. This map illustrates generalized clusters of existing protected open space and potential corridors that would provide linkages. The corridors shown on the map are conceptual and are intended to guide further land conservation efforts at the municipal, county, and regional levels. View larger map.

How we Preserve