Implementation — How we Preserve

Enhance protection of cultural resources

How we Preserve

Preservation of the Dilworth Farm through federal, county, and local resources enhanced opportunities for heritage interpretation on lands where troops fought during the Battle of Brandywine.

Enhance protection of historic resources, cultural resources, and scenic viewsheds through open space preservation techniques.


Chester County's sense of place is derived in large part from its historic structures, cultural resources and scenic views, and is framed by nationally significant landscape-based resources relating to the Revolutionary War Campaign of 1777, the birth of the Industrial Revolution, and the Underground Railroad.


Open space preservation efforts should value these features, many of which are depicted on the Historic Themes Map. There are opportunities to protect historic, cultural, and scenic features through easements and fee-simple purchases on both small and large parcels of land in communities throughout the county. This effort should be conducted by the municipalities and the land trusts with support from municipal, county, state, and federal governments.