Nature-based play areas encourage creativity while building confidence and forging a connection to the environment, and can be incorporated into parks in a variety of ways, as was done with the Ollie Owl's play area at Natural Lands' ChesLen Preserve.
Photo credit: Mae Axelrod
Create additional recreational properties such as parks, playgrounds, sports fields, trails, and water trails.
Given the anticipated population growth in Chester County (especially among children and the elderly) and increasing health issues associated with a lack of physical activity, as well as the economic benefits of recreation activities, there is a need to expand recreational opportunities in the county.
Parks, playgrounds, and sports fields can be located in proximity to more densely populated areas, ideally accessible from sidewalks or trails, and provide current amenities. Parks, trails, and water trails should be sited and designed to maximize health benefits, including those associated with nature-based play. These facilities should also be designed to accommodate a range of physical abilities wherever possible. Recreational park systems could be expanded using public private partnerships involving municipal governments, sports leagues, and other land owners. This effort should be driven by municipalities, with county support. Educational outreach should be conducted to provide municipal officials with information on new developments in recreational technology and programming.