Five-Year Trends Report | Changes to How and Where We Work | Pandemic Impacts on Transportation | Commerce and Industry Trends | Housing Affordability 2.0 | Climate Change Impacts and Sustainability
Since Landscapes3 was adopted in 2018, the county has placed a more urgent focus on efforts to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The county and many municipalities are looking towards accelerating a clean energy transition within their own facilities and in the wider community. Electric vehicles (EVs) have become increasingly popular and significant efforts regionally and nationwide are being directed towards expanding supporting EV charging infrastructure. Additional focus has been placed on not just slowing climate change, but also on mitigating the related impacts the county is experiencing including increased storm intensities, more widespread flooding, and more frequent and prolonged extreme heat events. More recently, significant increases in federal funding have become available to address climate change and move towards clean energy sources and are particularly focused on ensuring disadvantaged communities benefit from the transition to clean energy.
The Landscapes3 Trends Survey respondents identified the need to address impacts of flooding and other extreme weather events as an important effort regarding trends most directly affecting individuals or their families. In the survey question specific to Environmental/ Sustainability issues, the highest ranked priority was increasing community resiliency for extreme weather events followed by planning for a transition to clean energy sources. Write-in responses included the urgent need to address climate change and extreme weather events and flooding. The reduced use of plastics and the importance of reducing waste and increased recycling were also noted along with the protection of natural resources, green spaces, wildlife habitat; transitioning lawns to pollinator habitat; reducing the overuse of pesticides; and reducing light pollution. Regarding environmental issues that had previously been identified as high priorities in Landscapes3, respondents' current top priorities were, ensuring a supply of safe, clean water, protecting the county's open spaces, protecting natural resources, and improving stormwater infrastructure and flood resiliency.
While Landscapes3 made limited specific references to the issue of climate change, many of its goals, objectives, and recommendations directly or indirectly promoted sustainable actions and would result in the reduction of greenhouse gases. The Protect goal and its objectives to comprehensively protect ecosystems and natural resources and address flood mitigation and resiliency move towards a sustainable environment. The Connect goal and related objectives to reduce congestion, provide universally accessible sidewalks, trails, and public transit connections, and promote safe and sustainable energy systems would directly impact goals for greenhouse gas reductions and slowing climate change. Connect recommendation 9 was specific to supporting a wide range of energy resources, distribution system alternatives, and conservation measures to create a more resilient energy network and address climate change.
Shortly after the adoption of Landscapes3, the county embarked on two major sustainability initiatives, first with authorizing the creation of the Chester County Environmental and Energy Advisory Board in 2019 followed by the development of the Chester County Climate Action Plan and its adoption in 2021. As a result of recommendations and public input during the development of the Climate Action Plan, the County Commissioners created the position of Sustainability Director in 2022. The Sustainability Director oversees the Sustainability Division located in the Planning Commission and leads the Climate Action Plan implementation initiatives. Under the guidance of the Sustainability Director, county operations have embarked on multiple greenhouse gas reduction activities and other sustainable actions. One of these efforts involved creating a new consortium through which the county and other public entities can procure renewable energy, opening up opportunities for municipalities to reduce their carbon footrprint. In addition to internal efforts, the Sustainability Director also provides guidance and assistance to Chester County communities, residents, and businesses to further the implementation of the Climate Action Plan's community-wide goals and objectives and their local sustainability actions. Significant coordination has taken place with environmental partners as well to advance mutual goals. Multiple resources have been made available such as the widely expanded Clean and Sustainable Energy page which provides information on solar energy, electric vehicles, funding sources, sample ordinances, and climate planning resources. The Sustainability Division conducted an inventory of municipal ordinances regulating solar power and provided general as well as tailored guidance for reducing barriers to solar power. Assistance to Homeowners Associations in implementing sustainable practices was a major effort in 2024 and will continue into 2025. A webpage focusing on Woodlands and Tree protection provides a one-stop resource to protect and expand the county's woodlands, tree canopy, and individual trees. Progress on implementing the Climate Action Plan can be viewed on the Measuring Progress webpage. An update of the Climate Action Plan is anticipated to begin in late 2025.
The Planning Commission, with the guidance of the Sustainability Director, will continue to lead the county's internal and community-wide efforts to address climate change and sustainability on multiple levels.
Electric Vehicles — Over the last ten years EVs have significantly increased in Chester County. In 2014, there were 116 EVs in the county with this number rising steadily to a total of 6,106 in 2023. (Source: PennDOT, Report of Registrations for Calendar Year 2014-2023)
Solar Power — There has been a substantial and steady increase in the amount of solar generated energy within Chester County over the past five years. In the period from 2019-2023, 15.18 megawatts of power were generated and while 1,127 new solar projects were constructed. For the prior five years (2014-2017), 9.39 megawatts were generated, while 783 new projects were built. (Source: Pennsylvania Alternative Energy Credit Program Qualified Facilities Report, Downloaded October 2024)
Population Living in the Floodplain —
View metrics showing our progress in addressing climate action goals.