In this Urban Center scenario, two surface parking lots in a downtown are redeveloped with contemporary mixed-use and pedestrian-oriented buildings that fit into the overall community.
New development in Urban Centers should fit into the existing character of these historic towns and should include the following design elements:
Building Character
Multi-story buildings
Building heights similar to nearby properties or building setbacks from street and neighboring properties after a few stories
Building scale, window patterns, rhythm, and form that complement the historic pattern
Buildings at the sidewalk in downtowns
Windows at ground-level on shopping streets with views into retail and other publicly-accessible uses
Front door on primary street
Site Amenities
Public art
Central greens and plazas in larger developments
Dense street tree canopy
Stormwater management through green infrastructure along streets and within properties
Decorative lighting that minimizes light trespass
Streetscaping in downtown areas
Places to sit
Public restrooms
Grid or modified grid street pattern
Bus shelters and pull-off areas for drop-offs and pick-ups
Alleys, when available
Easy pedestrian access
Sidewalks along streets
Parking behind buildings or in garages
Bicycle facilities, such as bike racks and lockers