Mark Your Calendars for the 2025 Chester County Sustainability Summit and Expo!
May 17 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in West Chester, PA
Hear from experts on how to implement sustainable energy and landscaping projects at your home or business.
Chat with neighbors who have experience with things like geothermal heating, going solar, ecological landscaping, composting, electric vehicles, and more.
Meet local contractors who can help you with these projects.
Learn about ways to get involved in your community.
Sponsorship Opportunities
The 2025 Sustainability Summit and Expo will be the premier sustainability event in Chester County providing educational opportunities for the general public to receive practical, clear and trustworthy information on topics like going solar, maintaining more sustainable landscapes, and reducing waste. Sponsorship opportunities for the Sustainability Summit and Expo are available and are a great way to align your organization with local sustainability efforts.
Sponsorship Levels
Gold — $2500
Silver — $1000
Bronze — $500
Exhibitors at the Sustainability Expo
We are currently recruiting businesses and organizations to host tables at the Sustainability Expo to share information with attendees. For-profit businesses can reserve a 6' table for $100. There is no charge for exhibitors that are non-profits, community organizations, schools, etc. We are particularly interested in recruiting:
Solar installers
HVAC companies with experience installing cold climate heat pumps and geothermal heat pumps
Energy efficiency programs
Landscape design and maintenance companies with expertise in green stormwater infrastructure, naturalistic landscaping and native plants
Native plant nurseries
Composting companies
Companies that offer waste reduction services
Environmental organizations that have programs/opportunities geared toward homeowners and business owners, and volunteer opportunities
Universities with sustainability programs
High school and middle school environmental clubs
Municipal Environmental Advisory Councils
Questions? Contact the Chester County Planning Commission at or 610-344-6285.
Sign up here to be the first to know when registration opens!